2013:> |
131. |
 | Fabrication and optical modeling of nanohybrid functional slanted columnar thin films D. Schmidt, M. Junige, J.W. Bartha, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert ICSE-VI, Kyoto, Japan, May (2013) [View PDF (426 kB)]
130. |
| Vector Magneto-Optical Generalized Ellipsometry Magnetization Mapping of Sculptured Thin Films C. Briley, D. Schmidt, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert ICSE-VI, Kyoto, Japan, May (2013)
129. |
| Biomolecule Loading within Nanostructured Thin Films as Cell-Instructive Surfaces for Drug and Gene Delivery T. Kasputis, D. Schmidt, K.B. Rodenhausen, D. Sekora, M. Koenig, K.-J. Eichhorn, P. Uhlmann, M. Stamm, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and A.K. Pannier ICSE-VI, Kyoto, Japan, May (2013)
128. |
| Anisotropy and magnetodielectric effect in natural wolframite (Fe,Mn)WO4 S. Schöche, W. Dollase, and M. Schubert ICSE-VI, Kyoto, Japan, May (2013)
127. |
| Poster Award Winner Identification of scattering mechanisms in MOCVD-grown AlGaN/GaN high electron-mobility transistors by temperature-dependent THz optical Hall-effect and comparison with mobility calculations S. Schöche, V. Darakchieva, P. Kühne, J.-T. Chen, U. Forsberg, E. Janzen, N.B. Sedrine, C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann UNL Graduate Research Fair and Symposium, Lincoln, Nebraska, April (2013)
126. |
| Reflection-type optical-Hall effect measurement of Landau-level transitions in epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide P. Kühne, A. Boosalis, C. M. Herzinger, L.O. Nyakiti, V.D. Wheeler, R.L. Myers-Ward, C. R. Eddy, Jr., D. K. Gaskill, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann ICSE-VI, Kyoto, Japan, May (2013)
125. |
| Visible to Vacuum Ultraviolet Dielectric Functions of Epitaxial Graphene on SiC: Influence of Growth, SiC Polymorph, and H-Intercalation A. Boosalis, T. Hofmann, R. Elmquist, M. Real, N. Nguyen, V. Darakchieva, R. Yakimova, and M. Schubert ICSE-VI, Kyoto, Japan, May (2013)
124. |
| THz dielectric anisotropy of metal slanted columnar thin films: Ellipsometric characterization and Sensor applications T. Hofmann, D. Schmidt, P. Kühne, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert ICSE-VI, Kyoto, Japan, May (2013)
123. |
 | Combinatorial QCM-D/GE-Study of Protein Adsorption on Polymer Brushes grafted to Nanostructured Surfaces M. Koenig, T. Kasputis, D. Schmidt, K. B. Rodenhausen, K.-J. Eichhorn, A. K. Pannier, M. Schubert, M. Stamm, and P. Uhlmann ICSE-VI, Kyoto, Japan, May (2013) [View PDF (1.5 MB)]
2012:> |
122. |
 | Aging Effects of As-deposited and Passivated Cobalt Slanted Columnar Thin Films D. Schmidt, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert 7th Workshop Ellipsometry, Leipzig, Germany, March (2012) [View PDF (532 kB)]
121. |
| Metal slanted columnar thin film THz optical sensors T. Hofmann, D. Schmidt, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert 7th Workshop Ellipsometry, Leipzig, Germany, March (2012)
120. |
| GLAD Sculptured Thin Films Functionalized with Polymer Brushes T. Kasputis, M. König, D. Schmidt, K.-J. Eichhorn, A.K. Pannier, M. Schubert, M. Stamm, and P. Uhlmann 7th Workshop Ellipsometry, Leipzig, Germany, March (2012)
119. |
| The Optical-Hall Effect P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, S. Schöche, D. Schmidt, C. M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, and M. Schubert 7th Workshop Ellipsometry, Leipzig, Germany, March (2012)
118. |
| Anisotropy and magnetodielectric effect in natural wolframite (Fe,Mn)WO4 S. Schöche, W. Dollase, and M. Schubert 7th Workshop Ellipsometry, Leipzig, Germany, March (2012)
117. |
| Poster Award Winner Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and optical Hall-Effect study of free-charge carriers in InN:Mg - Indications for successful p-type doping S. Schöche, T. Hofmann, V. Darakchieva, N. Ben Sedrine, X. Wang, A. Yoshikawa, and M. Schubert UNL Graduate Research Fair and Symposium, Lincoln, NE, April (2012)
116. |
| Large Scale Micro- and Nano- Prepatterning for Sculptured Thin Films D. Sekora, D. Schmidt, S. Schöche, M. Hirtz, S. Sekula, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert UNL Graduate Research Fair and Symposium, Lincoln, NE, April (2012)
115. |
| GLAD sculptured thin films functionalized with polymer brushes T. Kasputis, M. Koenig, D. Schmidt, K.-J. Eichhorn, A.K. Pannier, M. Schubert, M. Stamm, and P. Uhlmann UNL Graduate Research Fair and Symposium, Lincoln, NE, April (2012)
114. |
| Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and optical Hall-effect study of free-charge carrier parameters in InN:Mg - Indications for succesful p-type doping S. Schöche, T. Hofmann, V. Darakchieva, N.B. Sedrine, X.~Wang, A. Yoshikawa, and M. Schubert International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2012, Sapporo, Japan, October (2012)
113. |
| Changes in Graphene Optical Properties Induced by Hydrogen Intercalation A. Boosalis, T. Hofmann, R. Elmquist, M. Real, N. Nguyen, and M. Schubert 2012 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November (2012)
112. |
| Smart polymer brushes investigated with combined ellipsometry and quartz crystal microbalance M. Koenig, K. B. Rodenhausen, D. Schmidt, K.-J. Eichhorn, M. Stamm, M. Schubert, and P. Uhlmann Makro 2012 - Smart Polymers, Mainz, Germany, October (2012)
2011:> |
111. |
 | THz optical Hall effect in multi valley band materials P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, C.M. Herzinger, and M. Schubert 6th Workshop Ellipsometry, Berlin, Feb (2011) [View PDF (220 kB)]
110. |
 | Free-Charge Carrier Properties of Graphene Layers on SiC T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, J.L. Tedesco, D.K. Gaskill, C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, and M. Schubert 6th Workshop Ellipsometry, Berlin Germany, February (2011) [View PDF (209 kB)]
109. |
 | THz optical Hall-effect and MIR-VUV ellipsometry characterization of 2DEG properties in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures
S. Schöche, J. Shi, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, W. J. Schaff, L. F. Eastman, V. Darakchieva, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann 6th Workshop Ellipsometry, Berlin Germany, February (2011) [View PDF (191 kB)]
108. |
 | Combinatorial spectroscopic ellipsometry and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation to study organic ultra-thin film evolution K. B. Rodenhausen, T. Kasputis, J. Y. Gerasimov, H. Wang, A. K. Pannier, R. Y. Lai, and M. Schubert 6th Workshop Ellipsometry, Berlin Germany, February (2011) [View PDF (619 kB)]
107. |
 | Poster Award Winner THz optical Hall-effect and MIR-VUV ellipsometry characterization of 2DEG properties in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures S. Schöche, J. Shi, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, W. J. Schaff, L. F. Eastman, V. Darakchieva, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann UNL Graduate Research Symposium, Lincoln, NE, April (2011) [View PDF (1.1 MB)]
106. |
| Combinatorial spectroscopic ellipsometry and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation to study organic ultra-thin film evolution K. B. Rodenhausen, T. Kasputis, J. Y. Gerasimov, H. Wang, A. K. Pannier, R. Y. Lai, and M. Schubert UNL Graduate Research Fair and Symposium, Lincoln, NE, April (2011) [View PDF (619 kB)]
105. |
 | Functionalization of Sculptured Thin Films with Atomic Layer Deposition D. Schmidt, N. Ianno, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert 2011 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November (2011) [View PDF (238 kB)]
104. |
 | Vector-Magneto-Optical Generalized Ellipsometry on Ferromagnetic Sculptured Thin Films D. Schmidt, C. Briley, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert 2011 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November (2011) [View PDF (673 kB)]
103. |
| Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Optical Hall-Effect Studies of Free-Charge Carriers in P-Type InN:Mg. S. Schöche, T. Hofmann, N.B. Sedrine, V. Darakchieva, B. Monemar, X.~Wang, A. Yoshikawa, and M. Schubert 2011 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November (2011) [View PDF (763 kB)]
102. |
| Optical Properties of Graphene on Multiple Substrates Determined by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry from the Terahertz to the VUV A. Boosalis, T. Hofmann, S. Schöche, P. Dowben, S. Gaddam, C. Vamala, J. Kelber, R. Yakimova, V. Darakchieva, L.O. Nyakiti, V.D. Wheeler, R.L. Myers-Ward, C.R. Eddy, D. K. Gaskill, and M. Schubert 2011 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November (2011)
101. |
| THz Dielectric Anisotropy of Metal Slanted Columnar Thin Films T. Hofmann, D. Schmidt, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, R. Skomski, C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert 2011 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November (2011) [View PDF (2.6 MB)]
100. |
| Real-time SE/QCM-D characterization of protein adsorption within sculptured thin films T. Kasputis, D. Schmidt, K.B. Rodenhausen, A.K. Pannier, and M. Schubert UNL Graduate Research Fair and Symposium, Lincoln, NE, April (2011)
2010:> |
99. |
 | Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for Metamaterials by Glancing Angle Deposition D. Schmidt, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert ICSE-V, Albany, NY, May (2010) [View PDF (286 kB)]
98. |
 | Optical Properties of Hybridized Nanostructures D. Schmidt, C. Müller, K. B. Rodenhausen, T. Hofmann, O. Inganäs, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert ICSE-V, Albany, NY, May (2010) [View PDF (249 kB)]
97. |
 | Monitoring Protein Deposition on Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkanethiols on Gold in-situ With Combined Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry K. B. Rodenhausen, B. A. Duensing, A. K. Pannier, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, T. E. Tiwald, M. Solinsky, and M. Wagner ICSE-V, Albany, NY, May (2010) [View PDF (291 kB)]
96. |
 | Micelle-Assisted Bilayer Formation of CTAB Thin Films Studied with Combined Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Quartz Crystal Microbalance Techniques K. B. Rodenhausen, M. Guericke, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, T. E. Tiwald, M. Solinsky, and M. Wagner ICSE-V, Albany, NY, May (2010) [View PDF (210 kB)]
95. |
 | Free-Charge Carrier Properties of Graphene Layers on SiC T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, J.L. Tedesco, R.L. Myers-Ward, P.M. Campbell, C.R. Eddy Jr., D.K. Gaskill, V. Shields, S. Shivaraman, M.G. Spencer, W.J. Schaff, and M. Schubert ICSE-V, Albany, NY, May (2010) [View PDF (808 kB)]
94. |
 | Free-Charge Carrier Profiles of Iso- and Anisotype Si Homojunctions A. Boosalis, T. Hofmann, J. Šik, and M. Schubert ICSE-V, Albany, NY, May (2010) [View PDF (542 kB)]
93. |
 | In-Situ Spectroscopic Ellipsometry of Lithium Ion Intercalation in GLAD Three-Dimensional Nanostructure Films E. Montgomery, M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, D. Schmidt, C. Briley, and A. May ICSE-V, Albany, NY, May (2010) [View PDF (3.2 MB)]
92. |
 | In-Situ Spectroscopic Ellipsometry of Lithium Ion Intercalation in GLAD Three-Dimensional Nanostructure Films E. Montgomery, M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, D. Schmidt, C. Briley, and A. May AVS 57th International Symposium, Albuquerque, NM, October (2010) [View PDF (5.1 MB)]
91. |
| THz Optical Hall-Effect in Multi-Valley Band Materials P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, C.M. Herzinger,, and M. Schubert E-Week, Lincoln, April (2010)
90. |
| Crystal structure and dielectric function of BaTiO3 single crystals and thin films S. Schöche, R. Schmidt-Grund, C. Sturm, H. Hochmuth, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, Ca, April (2010)
89. |
| The corrugated interface strain coupled magnetostrictive-ferroelectric piezoelectric semiconductor device V. M. Voora, T. Hofmann, and M. Schubert Nebraska MRSEC Symposium, Lincoln, NE, October (2010)
2009:> |
88. |
 | Monitoring Organic Thin Film Growth and its Water Content With Combined Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Ellipsometry
A. Sarkar, A. Kjerstad, T. Hofmann, B. Laderian, T. Viitala, T. E.Tiwald, J. A. Woollam, and M. Schubert 5th Workshop Ellipsometry, Zweibrucken, March (2009) [View PDF (1.6 MB)]
87. |
 | Monoclinic Optical Properties of Slanted Columnar Thin Films D. Schmidt, B. Booso, T. Hofmann, A. Sarangan, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert 5th Workshop Ellipsometry, Zweibrücken, Germany, March (2009) [View PDF (1.0 MB)]
86. |
 | THz Ellipsometry Materials Characterization T. Hofmann, C.M. Herzinger, and M. Schubert 5th Workshop Ellipsometry, Zweibrücken, Germany, March (2009) [View PDF (232 kB)]
85. |
 | IR to UV ellipsometric characterization of silicon nitride thin films on textured Si wafers M. F. Saenger, M. Schädel, T. Hofmann, J. Hilfiker, J. Sun, T. E. Tiwald, M. Schubert, and J. A. Woollam 5th Workshop Ellipsometry, Zweibrücken, Germany, March (2009) [View PDF (805 kB)]
84. |
 | Collective Magnetic Properties of GLAD Cobalt Needles and Nanocoils
A. C. Kjerstad, D. Schmidt, T. Hofmann, R. Skomski, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert 5th Workshop Ellipsometry, Zweibrücken, Germany, March (2009) [View PDF (614 kB)]
83. |
 | Wurtzite-Perovskite-Wurtzite (ZnO-BaTiO3-ZnO) Interface Polarization Hysteresis Model V. M. Voora, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann Graduate Student Poster Session, UNL, NE, April (2009) [View PDF (328 kB)]
82. |
 | Hybridized Nanostructures E. Montgomery, D. Schmidt, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
E-Week, UNL, NE, April (2009) [View PDF (718 kB)]
81. |
 | Characterizing AntiReflection Coatings on Textured Mono-Crystalline Silicon with Spectroscopic Ellipsometry J. Sun, M. F. Saenger, M. Schubert, J. N. Hilfiker, R. Synowicki, C. M. Herzinger, and J. A. Woollam 34th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Philadelphia, PA, June (2009)
80. |
| Spectroscopic ellipsometry analysis of anti-reflection coatings on textured Si wafers
F. Saenger, C. M. Herzinger, M. Schädel, T. Hofmann, J. Hilfiker, J. Sun andT. E. Tiwald, M. Schubert, and J. A. Woollam MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, December (2009)
79. |
| ZnO-BaTiO3-ZnO: Unipolar ferroelectric transistor structures with spontaneous interface charge
coupling for non-volatile switching applications
V. M. Voora, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, December (2009)
78. |
 | Monitoring Organic Thin Film Growth in-situ with Combined Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry K. B. Rodenhausen, M. Guericke, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, T. E.Tiwald, M. Solinsky, and M. Wagner AVS 56th International Symposium, San Jose, CA, November (2009) [View PDF (198 kB)]
77. |
| Non-destructive Determination of Spatial Distributions of Free-Charge-Carriers in Low Doped Semiconductors using THz Ellipsometry
T. Hofmann, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, and M. Schubert
AVS 56th International Symposium, San Jose, CA, November (2009)
76. |
| Temperature dependent dielectric function of ZnO P. Kühne, R. Schmidt-Grund, C. Sturm, M. Brandt, and M. Grundmann SFB-Workshop, Wittenberg, September (2009)
75. |
| Temperature dependent dielectric function of ZnO P. Kühne, R. Schmidt-Grund, C. Sturm, M. Brandt, and M. Grundmann Workshop Ellipsometry , Zweibrücken, March (2009)
74. |
| Optical and structural investigations on BaTiO3 thin films S. Schöche, R. Schmidt-Grund, C. Sturm, H. Hochmuth, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann 5th Workshop Ellipsometry, Zweibr\"ucken, Germany, March (2009)
2008:> |
73. |
 | THz resonances in chiral aluminum nanowires T. Hofmann, D. Schmidt, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert 2008 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, March (2008) [View PDF (575 kB)]
72. |
 | Ferroelectric thin film field-effect transistors based on ZnO/BaTiO3 heterostructures
M. Brandt, H. Frenzel, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, M. Schubert, and M. Grundmann 5th International Workshop on ZnO and related materials, Michigan, September (2008) [View PDF (308 kB)]
71. |
 | Poster Award Winner THz Resonances in Chiral Aluminum Nanowires D. Schmidt, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert E-Week Graduate Poster Session, Lincoln, NE, April 25 (2008) [View PDF (604 kB)]
70. |
 | Magnetic birefringence and bandgap anisotropy in Zn1-xMnxSe at RT M. F. Saenger, J. C. Furdyna, M. Hetterich, D. J. Sellmyer, R. D. Kirby, T. Hofmann,, and M. Schubert E-Week Graduate Poster Session, Lincoln, NE, April 25 (2008)
69. |
 | Electrooptic ellipsometry study of spontaneous polarization coupling in piezoelectric ZnO-BaTiO3 heterostructures. V. Voora, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann
E-Week Graduate Poster Session, Lincoln, NE, April 25 (2008) [View PDF (494 kB)]
68. |
 | Wurtzite-Perovskite (ZnO-BaTiO3) interface polarization hysteresis model V. M. Voora, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann The 5th International Workshop on ZnO and Related Materials, Michigan, USA, September (2008) [View PDF (950 kB)]
67. |
 | Magnetooptic birefringence and bandgap anisotropy in Zn1-xMnxSe at room temperature M. F. Saenger, X. Liu, J. C. Furdyna, M. Hetterich, D. J. Sellmyer, R. D. Kirby, R. Skomski, T. Hofmann, and M. Schubert MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, December (2008) [View PDF (759 kB)]
66. |
 | Magnetooptic birefringence and bandgap anisotropy in ZnMnSe at Room Temperature M. F. Saenger, X. Liu, J. C. Furdyna, M. Hetterich, D. J. Sellmyer, R. D. Kirby, R. Skomski, T. Hofmann, and M. Schubert 53rd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Austin, TX, November (2008) [View PDF (763 kB)]
65. |
 | Monitoring Organic Thin Film Growth in-situ with Combined Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Ellipsometry A. Sarkar, A. Kjerstad, T. Hofmann, B. Laderian, T. Viitala, T. E.Tiwald, J. A. Woollam, and M. Schubert MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, December (2008) [View PDF (849 kB)]
2007:> |
64. |
 | Electrooptic ellipsometry study of spontaneous polarization coupling in piezoelectric ZnO-BaTiO3 heterostructures V. M. Voora, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann 4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Stockholm, June (2007) [View PDF (586 kB)]
63. |
 | ICSE4 Poster Award Winner The optical-Hall effect T. Hofmann, and M.Schubert 4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Stockholm, Sweden, June (2007) [View PDF (554 kB)]
62. |
 | Terahertz to UV Generalized Magnetooptic ellipsometry on ZnMnSe: Giant Kerr effect, band-to-band transitions, and charge transport parameters M. F. Saenger, B. Daniel, M. Hetterich, T. Hofmann, and M. Schubert
4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Stockholm, Sweden, June (2007) [View PDF (267 kB)]
61. |
 | Surface electron accumulation and effective mass anisotropy in wurtzite structure InN T. Hofmann, H. Lu, W.J. Schaff, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Stockholm, Sweden, June (2007) [View PDF (468 kB)]
60. |
 | Terahertz ellipsometry using electron-beam based sources T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, U. Schade, M. Mross, and T. Iowell 4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Stockholm, Sweden, June (2007) [View PDF (386 kB)]
59. |
 | Anomalous temperature-dependence of the free-charge-carrier concentration in modulation-doped AlGaAs/GaAs quantum well superlattices studied by fir magnetooptic generalized ellipsometry
T. Hofmann, C. von Middendorff, and M. Schubert 4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Stockholm, Sweden, June (2007) [View PDF (236 kB)]
58. |
 | Polarization coupled response of ZnO-BaTiO3 heterojunctions: A model approach V. M. Voora, T. Hofmann, M. Brandt, M. Schubert, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann 71. German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Regensburg, March (2007) [View PDF (586 kB)]
57. |
 | Poster Award Winner Temperature dependent dielectric function of Al0.51In0.49P and Ga0.51In0.49P E. Montgomery, T. Hofmann, and M. Schubert 54th Midwest Solid State Conference, Lincoln, October (2007) [View PDF (3.2 MB)]
56. |
 | Dielectric and magnetic birefringence in Zn1-xMnxSe M. F. Saenger, D. J. Sellmyer, R. D. Kirby, T. Hofmann, and M. Schubert 54th Midwest Solid State Conference, Lincoln, NE, October (2007) [View PDF (636 kB)]
55. |
 | Polaron-phonon interaction in charge intercalated tungsten oxide thin films M. F. Saenger, T. Höing, T. Hofmann, and M. Schubert
4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Stockholm, June (2007) [View PDF (344 kB)]
54. |
 | Angle-resolved Generalized Ellipsometry: Form-birefringent chiral and non-chiral silicon sculptured thin films
D. Schmidt, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert 4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Stockholm, June (2007) [View PDF (1.3 MB)]
53. |
 | Generalized Mueller matrix Ellipsometry of 3-D spherical photonic bandgap structures H. Wang, D. Schmidt, M. Saenger, M. Schubert, and Y.F. Lu 4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Stockholm, June (2007) [View PDF (1.1 MB)]
52. |
 | Polaron and phonon properties in WO3 thin films M. F. Saenger, T. Höing, T. Hofmann, and M. Schubert 71. German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Regensburg, March (2007) [View PDF (373 kB)]
51. |
 | Comparison of giant Faraday effects in ZnMnSe and ZnMnO studied by magneto-optic ellipsometry M. F. Saenger, L. Hartmann, H. Schmidt, M. Hetterich, M. Lorenz, H. Hochmuth,
M. Grundmann, T. Hofmann, and and M. Schubert
71. German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Regensburg, March (2007)
50. |
 | Phonon and polaron properties of charge intercalated WO3 M. F. Saenger, T. Höing, T. Hofmann, and M. Schubert International Workshop on Synthesis of Functional Oxide Materials, Santa Barbara, CA, August (2007) [View PDF (329 kB)]
49. |
 | Electrooptic ellipsometry study of spontaneous polarization coupling in piezoelectric ZnO-BaTiO3 heterostructures V. Voora, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann International Workshop on Synthesis of Functional Oxide Materials, Santa Barbara, August (2007) [View PDF (217 kB)]
48. |
| Optical and structural properties of NiO and NiMnO thin films grown on ZnO and sapphire substrates L. Hartmann, Q. Xu, H. Schmidt, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, P. Esquinazi, M. F. Saenger, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, and S. Liou 71. German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Regensburg, March (2007)
47. |
 | Bulk and Surface Electron-Induced Infrared Magnetooptic Response in InN:
Evidence for a New Defect-Related Doping Mechanism T. Hofmann, H. Lu, W. J. Schaff, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert 7th Int'l Conference of Nitride Semiconductors, Las Vegas, September (2007) [View PDF (547 kB)]
2006:> |
46. |
 | Exchange polarization coupling in wurtzite-perovskite oxide interfaces: New concepts for electronic device heterostructures
V. M. Voora, N. Ashkenov, T. Hofmann, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, and M. Schubert
German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Dresden, March (2006) [View PDF (247 kB)]
45. |
 | Anisotropy of the Gamma-point electron effective mass in hexagonal InN T. Chavdarov, T. Hofmann, V. Darakchieva, H. Lu, W.J. Schaff, and M. Schubert German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Dresden, March (2006)
44. |
 | Optical properties of colored tungsten oxide sputtered thin films M. F. Saenger, T. Hofmann, T. Höing, and M. Schubert 4th Ellipsometry Workshop, Berlin, February (2006)
43. |
| Anisotropy of the Gamma-point electron effective mass in hexagonal InN T. Hofmann, V. Darakchieva, H. Lu, B. Monemar, W.J. Schaff, and M. Schubert 28th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Vienna, Austria, July 24-28 (2006)
42. |
 | Anisotropy of the Gamma-point ellecttrron efective mass in hexagonal InN T. Hofmann, V. Darakchieva, B. Monemar, T. Chavdarov, H. Lu, W. J. Schaff, and M. Schubert ICPS, , July (2006) [View PDF (422 kB)]
2005:> |
41. |
 | Phonons in doped ZnO and ZnO based thin films grown by PLD on sapphire C. Bundesmann, M. Schubert, D. Spemann, H. v. Wenckstern, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann G/PII.25 E-MRS 2005 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, May/June (2005) [View PDF (701 kB)]
40. |
 | Exchange polarization coupling in wurtzite-perovskite interfaces: New concepts for electronic device heterostructures A. Ashkenov, M. Schubert, H. v. Wenckstern, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Berlin, March (2005) [View PDF (959 kB)]
39. |
 | Anomalous temperature-dependence of free-charge-carrier concentration in modulation-doped AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs quantum well superlattices studied by far-infrared magnetooptic Mueller-matrix ellipsometry T. Hofmann, C. v. Middendorff, G. Leibiger, and M. Schubert 69. German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Berlin, March (2005) [View PDF (2.0 MB)]
38. |
 | Brechungsindex von kubischem MgxZn1-xO Anke Carstens, R. Schmidt-Grund, B. Rheinländer, M. Schubert, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, C.M. Herzinger, and M. Grundmann 69. German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Berlin, March (2005)
37. |
 | Phonon and free-charge-carrier properties in ZnMnSe T. Hofmann, B. Daniel, Kapil Chandra Agarwal, M. Hetterich, and M. Schubert 69. German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Berlin, March (2005) [View PDF (4.1 MB)]
36. |
 | Long-wavelength bound and unbound charge excitations in doped ZnO and ZnO based alloy thin films C. Bundesmann, M. Schubert, D. Spemann, H. v. Wenckstern, H. Hochmuth, E. M. Kaidashev, M. Lorenz, and and M. Grundmann 69. German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Berlin, March (2005)
35. |
 | Optical phonons and infrared dielectric functions of hexagonal and cubic MgZnO thin films C. Bundesmann, M. Schubert, A. Rahm, D. Spemann, H. Hochmuth, E. M. Kaidashev, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann 69. German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Berlin, March (2005)
2004:> |
34. |
 | Strong increase of the electron effective mass in GaAs incorporating boron and indium T. Hofmann, C. Middendorf, G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, and M. Schubert German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Regensburg, March (2004) [View PDF (1.2 MB)]
33. |
 | CuInSe2 flexible solar cell surface-heat-emittance optimization for infrared radiation C. Bundesmann, F. Dürr, M. Schubert, and K. Otte German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Regensburg, March (2004) [View PDF (1.7 MB)]
32. |
 | Infrared and VIS/UV optical properties of GaN/AlN superlattices grown on Si substrates A. Kasic, B. Monemar, M. Schubert, A. Dadgar, F. Schulze, and A. Krost German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Regensburg, March (2004) [View PDF (421 kB)]
31. |
 | Characterization of crack-free and relaxed bulk-like GaN growth on 2" sapphire A. Kasic, D. Gogova, H. Larsson, C. Hemmingsson, I. Ivanov, B. Monemar, C. Bundesmann, M. Schubert, and M. Heuken German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Regensburg, March (2004) [View PDF (1.4 MB)]
30. |
 | Combined In-situ Raman scattering spectroscopy and in-situ ellipsometry monitoring of CuInSe2-based photoabsorber layers on polyimide substrates C. Bundesmann, M. Schubert, N. Ashkenov, and M. Grundmann 27th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, Flagstaff, July (2004) [View PDF (1.1 MB)]
29. |
 | HVPE-grown free-standing GaN of high structural and optical quality A. Kasic, D. Gogova, H. Larsson, C. Hemmingsson, I. Ivanov, B. Monemar, F. Tuomisto, K. Saarinen, B. Petz, L. Dobos, C. Bundesmann, M. Schubert, C. R. Miskys, M. Stutzmann, and M. Heuken ISBLLED-2004 Gyeongju, Korea, March (2004) [View PDF (262 kB)]
2003:> |
28. |
 | Hydrogen implantation in InGaNAs studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, N. Razek, and M. Schubert 3. International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Vienna, July (2003) [View PDF (1.2 MB)]
27. |
 | Far-infrared dielectric fucntion and phonon modes of spontaneously ordered (AlxGa1-x)0.52In0.48P T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, and V. Gottschalch 3. International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Vienna, July (2003) [View PDF (981 kB)]
26. |
 | Infrared to vacuum ultraviolet optical properties of 3C, 4H and 6H silicon carbide measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry O. P. A. Lindquist, M. Schubert, H. Arwin, and K. Järrendahl 3. International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Vienna, July (2003) [View PDF (483 kB)]
25. |
 | High temperature optical constants and band gap energies of ZnO N. Ashkenov, C. Bundesmann, R. Schmidt-Grund, M. Schubert, M. Lorenz, H. Hochmut, and M. Grundmann 3. International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Vienna, July (2003) [View PDF (1.0 MB)]
24. |
 | Infrared ellipsometry - a novel characterization method for group-III nitride device heterostructures A. Kasic, M. Schubert, and B. Monemar 3. International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Vienna, July (2003) [View PDF (575 kB)]
23. |
 | Infrared dielectric functions and crystal orientation of a-plane ZnO thin films on r-plane sapphire determined by generalized ellipsometry C. Bundesmann, N. Ashkenov, M. Schubert, A. Rahm, H. v. Wenckstern, E. M. Kaidashev, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann 3. International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry, Vienna, July (2003) [View PDF (1.0 MB)]
2002:> |
22. |
 | Dielektrische Funktion im Bereich der Absorptionskante von ZnO und ZnO-MgO- und
ZnO-GaO-Mischkristallen untersucht mittels spektroskopischer Ellipsometrie R. Schmidt, C. Bundesmann, E.M. Kaidashev, B.Rheinländer, M.Lorenz, H. v. Wenkstern, A. Kasic, M.Schubert, and M.Grundmann
German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Regensburg, March (2002) [View PDF (625 kB)]
21. |
 | Properties of pulsed-laser-deposited Zn1-x(Al Ga and Mg and Cd)xO compound thin films C. Bundesmann, N. Ashkenov, A. Kasic, V. Riede, M. Schubert, E. M. Kaidashev, M. Lorenz, R. Schmidt, B. Rheinländer, J. Lenzner, H. v. Wenckstern, and M. Grundmann German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Regensburg, March (2002) [View PDF (752 kB)]
20. |
 | Kritische Punkte und Phononen in BxGa1-xAs und GaNyAs1-y: Ein Vergleich G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, M. Schubert, and V. Riede German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Regensburg, March (2002) [View PDF (282 kB)]
19. |
 | Infrarot-dielektrische Funktion und Phononenmoden in spontan geordnetem (AlxGa1-x)0.52In0.48P T. Hofmann, V. Gottschalch, and M. Schubert German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Regensburg, March (2002) [View PDF (628 kB)]
18. |
 | Optical phonons in AlxInyGa1-x-yN films A. Kasic, M. Schubert, S. Einfeldt, D. Hommel, J. Off, F. Scholz, A. P. Lima, O. Ambacher, and M. Stutzmann International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN 2002), Aachen, Germany, July (2002) [View PDF (449 kB)]
17. |
 | Far infrared dielectric function and and phonon modes of spontaneously ordered AlGaInP T. Hofmann, V. Gottschalch, and M. Schubert Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, U.S.A, December (2002) [View PDF (1.2 MB)]
16. |
 | Far infrared magneto-optical generalized ellipsometry determination of free carrier parameters in semiconductor thin film structures T. Hofmann, C. M. Herzinger, and M. Schubert Materials Research Society Fall Meeting, Boston, U.S.A, December (2002) [View PDF (2.5 MB)]
2001:> |
15. |
 | Ellipsometrie und optische Konstanten von SiNx und SiOy für Bragg-Reflektoren
R.Schmidt, D.Pudis, B.Rheinländer , V.Riede, S.Hardt, V.Gottschalch, and J.Kvietková German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Regensburg, March (2001) [View PDF (444 kB)]
14. |
 | Ellipsometrische Untersuchungen von Gitterschwingungen und Bandlückenenergien kubischer AlxGa1-xN-Filme A. Kasic, M. Schubert, and D. J. As German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Hamburg, March (2001) [View PDF (584 kB)]
13. |
 | Untersuchung der Phononeneigenschaften von hochgradig ungeordnetem (AlxGa1-x) 0.52In0.48P (0 .. x .. 1) mittels Ferninfrarot Spektralellipsometrie und Ramanspektroskopie T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, G. Leibiger, and V. Gottschalch German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Hamburg, March (2001) [View PDF (640 kB)]
12. |
 | Optische Konstanten, Phononen-Eigenschaften und Zusammensetzung von InGaAsN Einzelschichten G. Leibiger, M. Schubert, and V. Gottschalch German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Hamburg, March (2001) [View PDF (910 kB)]
11. |
 | All-solid state electrochromic multiplayer systems for surface heat radiation control E. Franke, M. Schubert, C. L. Trimble, and J. A. Woollam Spring European MRS-Meeting, Strasbourg, France, June (2001) [View PDF (247 kB)]
10. |
 | Optical properties of GaNP G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, G. Benndorf, R. Schwabe, and M. Schubert 4. Int. Conf. on Nitride Semiconductor Research, Denver U.S.A., July (2001) [View PDF (910 kB)]
9. |
 | Composition determination of InGaAsN using x-ray diffraction and far-infrared ellipsometry G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, and M. Schubert 4. Int. Conf. on Nitride Semiconductor Research, Denver U.S.A., July (2001) [View PDF (625 kB)]
8. |
 | Characterization of III-Nitride optoelectronic-device heterostructures using infrared ellipsometry M. Schubert, and A. Kasic 1. Int.Conference on Advanced Vibrational Spectroscopy, Turku, Finnland, August (2001) [View PDF (129 kB)]
2000:> |
7. |
 | Bestimmung von freien Ladungsträger-Parametern und Phononen-Eigenschaften dünner a-GaN-Filme mittels IR-Ellipsometrie A. Kasic, M. Schubert, S. Einfeldt, D. Hommel, B. Kuhn, J. Off, and F. Scholz German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Regensburg, March (2000) [View PDF (2.3 MB)]
6. |
 | Infrarot-optische Eigenschaften von (Ga,In)n/(P,As)m Übergitterstrukturen T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, B. Rheinländer, and V. Gottschalch German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Regensburg, March (2000)
5. |
 | Optical properties of GaAsN single layers and GaAsN/InAs/GaAs superlattices studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, B. Rheinländer, A. Kasic, J. Sik, and M. Schubert MRS 2000 Fall Meeting, Boston U.S.A., November/December (2000) [View PDF (1.6 MB)]
4. |
 | MRS Poster Award Winner IR-VUV dielectric function of Al1-xInxN determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry A. Kasic, M. Schubert B. Rheinländer, J. Off, F. Scholz, and C. M. Herzinger MRS 2000 Fall Meeting, Boston U.S.A., November/December (2000) [View PDF (936 kB)]
1999:> |
3. |
 | Cross-polarized reflectance difference spectroscopy on CuPt ordered AlxGa1-xInP2 T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, B. Rheinländer, I. Pietzonka, and V. Gottschalch German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Münster, March (1999) [View PDF (296 kB)]
2. |
 | Optical constants of nearly disordered AlxGa1-xInP2 G. Leibiger, M. Schubert, B. Rheinländer, I. Pietzonka, and V. Gottschalch German Physical Society Spring Meeting, Münster, March (1999) [View PDF (160 kB)]
1. |
 | Lattice modes and free-carrier response of AlxGa1-xN and InxGa1-xN heterostructures measured by infrared ellipsometry M. Schubert, T. E. Tiwald, J.A. Woollam, A. Kasic, J. Off, B. Kuhn, and F. Scholz MRS Fall Meeting, Boston U.S.A., December (1999) [View PDF (447 kB)]
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