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Articles in submission:

    404. Strain and stress relationships for longitudinal optical phonon modes in β-Ga2O3
R. Korlacki, J. Knudtson, M. Stokey, A. Mock, S. Knight, A. Papamichail, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
TBA XX, XX (2022)

    403. The optical Hall effect - Experiment
M. Schubert, P. Kuehne, V. Darakchieva, S. Schoeche, S. Knight, and C. M. Herzinger
J. Opt. Soc. Am. A , (2020)

    402. The influence of strain and composition on the infrared active phonons in epitaxial β-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 deposited onto (010) β-Ga2O3
M. Stokey, R. Korlacki, S. Knight, M. Hilfiker, V. Darakchieva, A. Mauze, Y. Zhang, J. Speck, and M. Schubert
TBA XXX, (2021)




    401. High-frequency/high-field electron paramagnetic resonance generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry characterization of Cr3+ in β-Ga2O3
V. Rindert, S. Richter, Z. Galazka, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 126, 082105 (2025) [View PDF (2.6 MB)] [DOI-link]

    400. Editor's Suggestion
Featured in Physics
Featured in
Paramagnetic Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation

V. Rindert, V. Darakchieva, T. Sarkar, and M. Schubert
Phys. Rev. Lett. 134, 086703 (2025) [View PDF (289 kB)] [DOI-link]

    399. Terahertz frequency-domain 4x4 Mueller matrix magnetic resonance ellipsometer instrument
V. Rindert, A. Ruder, S. Richter, P. Kuehne, I. Green, M. Bauer, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
Rev. Sci. Instrum. xx, xx (2025)

    398. The strain-stress relationships for coherent in-plane strain in heterostructures with monoclinic crystal systems: β-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 on (h0l) β-Ga2O3 as example
M. Schubert, R. Korlacki, and V. Darakchieva
Phys. Rev. Mat. , (2025)




    397. Origin of the anisotropic Beer–Lambert law from dichroism and birefringence in beta-Ga2O3
M. M. R. Adnan, M. Schubert, and R. C. Myers
Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 081103 (2024) [View PDF (2.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    396. Origin of the Anisotropic Beer-Lambert Law from Dichroism and Birefringence in β-Ga2O3
M. M. R. Adnan, M. Schubert, and R. C. Myers
arXiv 2407, 00190 (2024) [View PDF (1.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    395. The anisotropic Beer-Lambert law in β-Ga2O3: Spectral and polarization dependent absorption and photoresponsivity
M. M. R. Adnan, D. Verma, C. Sturm, M. Schubert, and R. C. Myers
Phys. Rev. Applied 21, 054059 (2024) [View PDF (1.8 MB)] [DOI-link]

    394. Featured
Electron effective mass in GaN revisited: new insights from terahertz and mid-infrared optical Hall effect

N. Armakavicius, S. Knight, P. Kuehne, V. Stanishev, S. Richter, A. Papamichail, M. Stokey, U. Kilic, P. Sorensen, M. Schubert, P. Paskov, and V. Darakchieva
APL Mat. 12, 021114 (2024) [View PDF (5.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    393. Electronic properties of group-III nitride semiconductors and device structures probed by THz Optical Hall effect
N. Armakavicius, P. Kühne, S. Knight, S. Richter, A. Papamichail, H. Zhang, V. Stanishev, Jr.-T. Chen, P. P. Paskov, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
Materials 17, 3343 (2024) [View PDF (3.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    392. Plasmonic Nanocavity to Boost Single Photon Emission from Defects in Thin Hexagonal Boron Nitride
M. Dowran, U. Kilic, S. Lamichhane, A. Erickson, J. Barker, M. Schubert, S.-W. Liou, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Laraoui
arXiv 2405, 09683 (2024) [View PDF (3.8 MB)] [DOI-link]

    391. Plasmonic Nanocavity to Boost Single Photon Emission from Defects in Thin Hexagonal Boron Nitride
M. Dowran, U. Kilic, S. Lamichhane, A. Erickson, J. Barker, M. Schubert, S.-H. Liou, C. Argyropoulos, and A. Laraoui
Laser Photonics Reviews , 2400705 (2024) [View PDF (6.8 MB)] [DOI-link]

    390. High crystalline quality homoepitaxial Si-doped β-Ga2O3 (010) layers with reduced structural anisotropy grown by hot-wall MOCVD
D. Gogova, D. Tran, V. Stanishev, V. Jokubavicius, L. Vines, M. Schubert, R. Yakimova, P. Paskov, and V. Darakchieva
J. V. Sci. Tech. A 42, 022708 (2024) [View PDF (4.0 MB)] [DOI-link]

    389. Rebuttal on Correspondence to “Assessing the Release of Microplastics and Nanoplastics from Plastic Containers and Reusable Food Pouches: Implications for Human Health
K. A. Hussain, S. Romanova, I. Okur, D. Zhang, J. Kuebler, X. Huang B., Wang, L. Fernandez-Ballester, Y. F. Lu, M. Schubert, and Y. Li
Environ. Sci. Technol. 58, 9015 (2024) [View PDF (905 kB)] [DOI-link]

    388. Valley quantum interference modulated by hyperbolic shear polaritons
G. Jia, J. Luo, C. Cui, R. Kou, Y. Tian, and M. Schubert
Phys. Rev. B 109, 155417 (2024) [View PDF (3.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    387. Controlling the broadband enhanced light chirality with L-shaped dielectric metamaterials
U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, S. Wimer, A. Ruder, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and C. Argyropoulos
nature communications 15, 3757 (2024) [View PDF (2.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    386. Controlling the broadband enhanced light chirality with L-shaped dielectric metamaterials
U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, S. Wimer, A. Ruder, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and . Argyropoulos
arXiv 2403, 18950 (2024) [View PDF (3.6 MB)] [DOI-link]

    385. Cover Picture
Nanocolumnar Metamaterial Platforms: Scaling rules for structural parameters revealed from optical anisotropy

U. Kilic, Y. Traouli, M. Hilfiker, K. Bryant, S. Schoeche, R. Feder, C. Argyropoulos, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Adv. Opt. Mat. 12, 2302767 (1--14) (2024) [View PDF (6.1 MB)] [DOI-link]

    384. Terahertz permittivity parameters of monoclinic single crystal lutetium oxyorthosilicate
S. Knight, S. Richter, A. Papamichail, M. Stokey, R. Korlacki, V. Stanishev, P. Kuehne, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 032101 (2024) [View PDF (2.1 MB)] [DOI-link]

    383. Effective uniaxial dielectric function tensor and optical phonons in (2¯01)-plane oriented β-Ga2O3 films with equally-distributed six-fold rotation domains
A. Mock, S. Richter, A. Papamichail, V. Stanishev, M. Ghezellou, J. Ul-Hassan, A. Popp, S. B. Anooz, D. Gogova, P. Ranga, S. Krishnamoorthy, R. Korlacki, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
arXiv 2404, 07300 (2024) [View PDF (2.5 MB)] [DOI-link]

    382. Effective uniaxial dielectric function tensor and optical phonons in (-201)-plane oriented beta-Ga2O3 films with equally-distributed six-fold rotation domains
A. Mock, S. Richter, A. Papamichail, V. Stanishev, M. Ghezellou, J. Ul-Hassand, A. Poppe, S. B. Anooz, D. Gogova, P. Rangag, S. Krishnamoorthy, R. Korlacki, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
Phys. Rev. Applied 22, 044003 (2024) [View PDF (2.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    381. Ultrabroadband Optical Properties of 2D Titanium Carbide MXene
S. L. Murray, S. Serajian, S. I. G. P. Mohamed, S. Robinson, R. Krishnamoorthy, T. Nagaraja, S. Das, M. Bavarian, S. Nejati, U. Kilic, M. Schubert, and M. Ghashami
ACS Applied Materials Interfaces 16, 70763 (2024) [View PDF (6.8 MB)] [DOI-link]

    380. Chiroptical Second-Harmonic Light Scattering from Silicon Nanohelices
B. J. Olohan, E. Petronijevic, U. Kilic, S. Wimer, M. Hilfiker, M. Schubert, C. Argyropoulos, E. Schubert, S. R. Clowes, G. D. Pantos, D. L. Andrews, and V. K. Valev
ACS Nano 18, 16766-16775 (2024) [View PDF (4.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    379. Editor's Suggestion
High-field/high-frequency electron spin resonances of Fe-doped beta-Ga2O3 by Terahertz generalized ellipsometry: monoclinic-symmetry effects

S. Richter, S. Knight, O. Bulancea-Lindvall, S. Mu, P. Kuehne, M. Stokey, A. Ruder, V. Rindert, V. Ivady, I. Abrikosov, C. Van de Walle, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
Phys. Rev. B 109, 214106 (2024) [View PDF (3.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    378. Bloch equations in Terahertz magnetic-resonance ellipsometry
V. Rindert, S. Richter, P. Kuehne, A. Ruder, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
arXiv 2404, 12805 (2024) [View PDF (5.6 MB)] [DOI-link]

    377. Bloch equations in Terahertz magnetic-resonance ellipsometry
V. Rindert, S. Richter, A. Ruder, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
Phys. Rev. B 110, 054413 (2024) [View PDF (1.9 MB)] [DOI-link]

    376. The paramagnetic Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relation
V. Rindert, V. Darakchieva, T. Sarkar, and M. Schubert
arXiv 2405, 15382 (2024) [View PDF (1.5 MB)] [DOI-link]

    375. The strain-stress relationships for coherent in-plane strain in heterostructures with monoclinic crystal systems: β-(AlxGa1−x)2O3 on (h0l) β-Ga2O3 as example
M. Schubert, R. Korlacki, and V. Darakchieva
arXiv 2405, 16307 (2024) [View PDF (2.0 MB)] [DOI-link]

    374. Editorial
Special Collection on Wide- and Ultrawide-Bandgap Electronic Semiconductor Devices

J. Wuerfl, T. Palacios, H. G. Xing, Y. Hao, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 125, 070401 (2024) [View PDF (1.1 MB)] [DOI-link]

    373. Anisotropic quasi-static permittivity of rare-earth scandate single crystals measured by terahertz spectroscopy
A. Taherian, J. Cooke, M. Schubert, and B. Sensale-Rodriguez
J. Appl. Phys. 135, 173102 (2024) [View PDF (2.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    372. In-cycle Evolution of Thickness and Roughness Parameters during Oxygen Plasma Enhanced ZnO Atomic Layer Deposition using in-situ Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
Y. Traouli, U. Kilic, S. G. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, D. Schmidt, S. Schoeche, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A 42, 052403 (2024) [View PDF (4.0 MB)] [DOI-link]




    371. Quantum Composites with Charge-Density-Wave Fillers
Z. Barani, T. Geremew, M. Stokey, N. Sesing, M. Taheri, M. J. Hilfiker, F. Kargar, M. Schubert, T. T. Salguero, and A. A. Balandin
Advanced Materials Wiley 35, 2209708 (2023) [View PDF (3.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    370. Quantum Composites with the Functionality Defined by the Charge-Density-Wave Phase Transitions
Z. Barani, T. Geremew, M. Stokey, N. Sesing, M. Taheri, M. J. Hilfiker, F. Kargar, M. Schubert, T. T. Salguero, and A. A. Balandin
arXiv 2302, 11069 (2023) [View PDF (1.4 MB)] [DOI-link]

    369. Assessing the Release of Microplastics and Nanoplastics from Plastic Containers and Reusable Food Pouches: Implications for Human Health
K. A. Hussain, S. Romanova, I. Okur, D. Zhang, J. Kuebler, X. Huang, B. Wang, L. Fernandez-Ballester, Y. Lu, M. Schubert, and Y. Li
Environ. Sci. Technol. 57, 9782-9792 (2023) [View PDF (6.2 MB)] [DOI-link]

    368. Room temperature two-dimensional electron gas scattering time, effective mass, and mobility parameters in AlxGa1−xN/GaN heterostructures (0.07 .. x .. 0.42)
S. Knight, S. Richter, A. Papamichail, P. Kuehne, N. Armakavicius, S. Guo, A. R. Persson, V. Stanishev, V. Rindert, P. O. A. Persson, P. P. Paskov, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
J. Appl. Phys. 134, 185701 (2023) [View PDF (2.4 MB)] [DOI-link]

    367. The Role of Optical Phonon Confinement in The Infrared Dielectric Response of III-V Superlattices
J. R. Matson, M. N. Alam, G. Varnavides, P. Sohr, S. Knight, V. Darakchieva, M. Stokey, M. Schubert, A. Said, T. Beechem, P. Narang, S. Law, and J. D. Caldwell
Advanced Materials Wiley 36, 2305106 (2023) [View PDF (2.1 MB)] [DOI-link]

    366. Ferromagnetic resonators synthesized by metal-organic decomposition epitaxy
N. Nguyen, B. Herrington, K. Chorazewicz, S.-F. Wang, R. L. Zielinski, J. Turner, P. Ashby, U. Kilic, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, R. Parrott, A. Sweet, and R. Streubel
J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 35, 485801 (2023) [View PDF (1.9 MB)] [DOI-link]

    365. Editorial
Optical nanoprobe imaging and spectroscopy

M. B. Raschke , M. Schubert, P. Narang , and A. Paarman
Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 230401 (2023) [View PDF (827 kB)] [DOI-link]

    364. Numerical ellipsometry: A method for selecting a single β-gallium oxide monoclinic crystal orientation able to determine the complete permittivity tensor
F. K. Urban, D. Barton, and M. Schubert
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 41, 013402 (2023) [View PDF (4.5 MB)] [DOI-link]

    363. Giant photonic spin Hall effect induced by hyperbolic shear polaritons
G. Jia, W. Xue, Z. Jia, and M. Schubert
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25, 11245-11252 (2023) [View PDF (2.4 MB)] [DOI-link]




    362. Remote Surface Optical Phonon Scattering in Ferroelectric Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 Gated Graphene
H. Chen, T. Li, Y. Hao, A. Rajapitamahuni, Z. Xiao, S. Schoeche, M. Schubert, and X. Hong
arXiv 2209, 15527 (2022) [View PDF (660 kB)] [DOI-link]

    361. Featured Cover
Remote surface optical phonon scattering in ferroelectric Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 gated graphene

H. Chen, T. Li, Y. Hao, A. Rajapitamahuni, Z. Xiao, S. Schoeche, M. Schubert, and X. Hong
J. Appl. Phys. 132, 154301 (2022) [View PDF (2.1 MB)] [DOI-link]

    360. Editors' Pick
Hot-wall MOCVD for cost-effective epitaxial growth of β-Ga2O3

D. Gogova, M. Ghezellou, D. Q. Tran, S. Richter, A. Papamichail, J. ul Hassan, A. R. Persson, P. O. A. Persson, O. Kordina, B. Monemar, M. Hilfiker, M. Schubert, P. P. Paskov, and V. Darakchieva
AIP Advances 12, 055022 (2022) [View PDF (7.8 MB)] [DOI-link]

    359. Anisotropic dielectric function, direction dependent bandgap energy, band order, and indirect to direct gap cross over in α-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 (0\le x \le 1)
M. Hilfiker, R. Korlacki, R. Jinno, Y. Cho, H. G. Xing, D. Jena, U. Kilic, M. Stokey, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 121, 052101 (2022) [View PDF (3.0 MB)] [DOI-link]

    358. Elevated temperature spectroscopic ellipsometry analysis of the dielectric function, exciton, band-to-band transition, and high-frequency dielectric constant properties for single-crystal ZnGa2O4
M. Hilfiker, E. Williams, U. Kilic, Y. Traouli, N. Koeppe, J. Rivera, A. Abakar, M. Stokey, R. Korlacki, Z. Galazka, K. Irmscher, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 132105 (2022) [View PDF (2.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    357. Fundamental Mechanisms and Factors Associated with Nanoparticle-Assisted Enhanced Oil Recovery
K. A. Hussain, C. Chen, R. Haggerty, M. Schubert, and Y. Li
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 61, 17715--17734 (2022) [View PDF (14.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    356. Strain and composition dependencies of the near bandgap optical transitions in monoclinic (AlxGa1−x)2O3 alloys with coherent biaxial in-plane strain on (010) Ga2O3
R. Korlacki, M. Hilfiker, J. Knudtson, M. Stokey, U. Kilic, A. Mauze, Y. Zhang, J. Speck, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
arXiv 2209, 06025 (2022) [View PDF (861 kB)] [DOI-link]

    355. Strain and composition dependencies of the near bandgap optical transitions in monoclinic (AlxGa1-x)2O3 alloys with coherent biaxial in-plane strain on (010) Ga2O3
R. Korlacki, M. Hilfiker, J. Knudtson, M. Stokey, U. Kilic, A. Mauze, Y. Zhang, J. Speck, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
Phys. Rev. Applied 18, 064019 (2022) [View PDF (3.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    354. Linear strain and stress potential parameters for the three fundamental band to band transitions in β-Ga2O3
R. Korlacki, J. Knudtson, M. Stokey, M. J. Hilfiker, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 042103 (2022) [View PDF (1.1 MB)] [DOI-link]

    353. Editors' Pick
Enhancement of 2DEG effective mass in AlN/Al0.78Ga0.22N high electron mobility transistor structure determined by THz optical Hall effect

P. Kühne, N. Armakavicius, A. Papamichail, D. Q. Tran, V. Stanishev, M. Schubert, P. P. Paskov, and V. Darakchieva
Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 253102 (2022) [View PDF (1.9 MB)] [DOI-link]

    352. Hyperbolic Shear Polaritons in Low-Symmetry Crystals
N. Passler, X. Ni, G. Hu, J. R. Matson, M. Wolf, M. Schubert, A. Alù, J. D. Caldwell, T. G. Folland, and A. Paarmann
Nature 602, 595 (2022) [View PDF (6.0 MB)] [DOI-link]

    351. Terahertz electron paramagnetic resonance generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry: The magnetic response of the nitrogen defect in 4H-SiC
M. Schubert, S. Knight, S. Richter, P. Kuehne, V. Stanishev, A. Ruder, M. Stokey, R. Korlacki, K. Irmscher, P. Neugebauer, and V. Darakchieva
arXiv 2201, 06695 (2022) [View PDF (812 kB)] [DOI-link]

    350. Roadmap for Terahertz-paramagnetic electron resonance ellipsometry
M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
J. Phys. D.: Appl. Phys. 55, 463003 (2022) [View PDF (15.6 MB)] [DOI-link]

    349. Terahertz electron paramagnetic resonance generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry: The magnetic response of the nitrogen defect in 4H-SiC
M. Schubert, S. Knight, S. Richter, P. Kuehne, V. Stanishev, A. Ruder, M. Stokey, R. Korlacki, K. Irmscher, P. Neugebauer, and V. Darakchieva
Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 102101 (2022) [View PDF (1.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    348. Featured
A Review of Band Structure and Material Properties of Transparent Conducting and Semiconducting Oxides: Ga2O3, Al2O3, In2O3, ZnO, SnO2, CdO, NiO, CuO, and Sc2O3

J. A. Spencer, A. L. Mock, A. G. Jacobs, M. Schubert, Y. Zhang, and M. J. Tadjer
Appl. Phys. Rev. 9, 011315 (2022) [View PDF (14.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    347. Infrared-active phonon modes and dielectric constants in α-(AlxGax-1)2O3 alloys
M. Stokey, T. Gramer, R. Korlacki, S. Knight, R. Jinno, Y. Cho, H. G. Xing, D. D. Jena, M. Hilfiker, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 120, 112202 (2022) [View PDF (2.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    346. Infrared dielectric functions and Brillouin zone center phonons of α-Ga2O3 compared to α-Al2O3
M. Stokey, R. Korlacki, M. Hilfiker, M. Knight, S. Richter, V. Darakchieva, R. Jinno, Y. Cho, H. G. Xing, D. Jena, Y. Oshima, K. Khan, E. Ahmadi, and M. Schubert
Phys. Rev. Materials 6, 014601 (2022) [View PDF (4.5 MB)] [DOI-link]




    345. Resolving mobility anisotropy in quasi-free-standing epitaxial graphene by terahertz optical Hall effect
N. Armakavicius, P. Kühne, J. Eriksson, C. Bouhafs, V. Stanishev, I. Ivanov, R. Yakimova, A. Zakharov, C. Coletti, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
Carbon 172, 248-259 (2021) [View PDF (2.6 MB)] [DOI-link]

    344. Stretchable Thin Film Mechanical Strain Gated Switches and Logic Gate Functions Based on a Soft Tunneling Barrier
S. Chae, W. J. Choi, I. Fotev, E. Bittrich, P. Uhlmann, M. Schubert, D. Makarov, J. Wagner, A. Pashkin, and A. Fery
Advanced Materials Wiley , 2104769 (2021) [View PDF (3.5 MB)] [DOI-link]

    343. Impacts of Particle Surface Heterogeneity on the Deposition of Colloids on Flat Surfaces
T. Delon, T. Parsai, U. Kilic, M. Schubert, S. A. Morin , and Y. Li
Environmental Science: Nano 8, 3365-3375 (2021) [View PDF (2.0 MB)] [DOI-link]

    342. High-frequency and below band gap anisotropic dielectric constants in α-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 (0\le x \le 1)
M. Hilfiker, U. Kilic, M. Stokey, R. Jinno, Y. Cho, H. Grace Xing, D. Jena, R. Korlacki, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 092103 (2021) [View PDF (2.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    341. Anisotropic dielectric functions, band-to-band transitions, and critical points in α-Ga2O3
M. Hilfiker, R. Korlacki, R. Jinno, Y. Cho, H. G. Xing, D. Jena, U. Kilic, M. Stokey, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 062103 (2021) [View PDF (2.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    340. Zinc gallate spinel dielectric function, band-to-band transitions, and Gamma-point effective mass parameters
M. Hilfiker, M. Stokey, R. Korlacki , U. Kilic, Z. Galazka, K. Irmscher, S. Zollner, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 132102 (2021) [View PDF (4.5 MB)] [DOI-link]

    339. Broadband enhanced chirality with tunable response in hybrid plasmonic helical metamaterials
U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, A. Ruder, R. Feder, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and C. Argyropoulos
Advanced Functional Materials 31, 2010329 (2021) [View PDF (3.1 MB)] [DOI-link]

    338. Broadband enhanced chirality with tunable response in hybrid plasmonic helical metamaterials
U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, A. Ruder, R. Feder, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and C. Argyropoulos
arXiv 2101, 11549 (2021) [View PDF (3.6 MB)] [DOI-link]

    337. Stealth technology-based Terahertz frequency-domain ellipsometry instrumentation
P. Kuehne, V. Stanishev, N. Armakavicius, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
arXiv 2104, 48550 (2021) [View PDF (3.9 MB)] [DOI-link]

    336. Mueller matrix imaging microscope using dual continuously rotating anisotropic mirrors
A. Ruder, B. Wright, R. Feder, U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, E. Schubert, C. M. Herzinger, and M. Schubert
Opt. Express 29, 28704-28724 (2021) [View PDF (16.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    335. Infrared dielectric functions and Brillouin zone center phonons of α-Ga2O3 compared to α-Al2O3
M. Stokey, R. Korlacki, M. Hilfiker, S. Knight, S. Richter, V. Darakchieva, R. Jinno, Y. Cho, H. G. Xing, D. J. Jena, Y. Oshimaand K. Khan, E. Ahmadi, and M. Schubert
arXiv 2108, 12058 (2021) [View PDF (3.4 MB)] [DOI-link]

    334. Optical phonon modes, static and high frequency dielectric constants, and effective electron mass parameter in cubic In2O3
M. Stokey, R. Korlacki, S. Knight, A. Ruder, M. Hilfiker, Z. Galazka, K. Irmscher, Y. Zhang, H. Zhao, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
arXiv 2104, 14611 (2021) [View PDF (3.9 MB)] [DOI-link]

    333. Optical phonon modes, static and highfrequency dielectric constants, and effective electron mass parameter in cubic In2O3
M. Stokey, R. Korlacki, S. Knight, A. Ruder, M. Hilfiker, Z. Galazka, K. Irmscher, Y. Zhang, H. Zhao, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
J. Appl. Phys. 129, 225102 (2021) [View PDF (6.1 MB)] [DOI-link]

    332. Numerical ellipsometry: A method for selecting a near-minimal infrared measurement set for beta-gallium oxide
F. K. Urban, D. Barton, and M. Schubert
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 39, 052801 (2021) [View PDF (21.3 MB)] [DOI-link]




    331. Editors' Pick
Anisotropic quasi-static permittivity of single-crystal β-Ga2O3

P. Gopalan, S. Knight, A. Chanana, M. Stokey, P. Ranga, M. Scarpulla, S. Krishnamoorthy, V. Darakchieva, Z. Galazka, K. Irmscher, A. Fiedler, S. Blair, M. Schubert, and B. S. Rodriguez
Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 252103 (2020) [View PDF (3.9 MB)] [DOI-link]

    330. Precursor-surface interactions revealed during plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition of metal oxide thin films by in-situ spectroscopic ellipsometry
U. Kilic, A. Mock, D. Sekora, S. Gilbert, S. Valloppilly, N. Ianno, M. Langell, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Sci. Rep. 10, 10392 (2020) [View PDF (2.4 MB)] [DOI-link]

    329. Cavity-tuning optomechanical stage for low-field terahertz optical Hall effect
S. Knight, S. Schöche, P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
Rev. Sci. Instr. 91, 083903 (2020) [View PDF (4.0 MB)] [DOI-link]

    328. Infrared-active phonon modes in single-crystal thorium dioxide and uranium dioxide
S. Knight, R. Korlacki, C. Dugan, J. Petrosky, A. Mock, P. A. Dowben, J. M. Mann, M. M. Kimani, and M. M. Schubert
J. Appl. Phys. 127, 125103 (2020) [View PDF (2.4 MB)] [DOI-link]

    327. Comment on ''Characteristics of Multi-photon Absorption in a β-Ga2O3 Single Crystal''
R. Korlacki, A. Mock, C. Briley, V. Darakchieva, B. Monemar, Y. Kumagai, K. Goto, M. Higashiwaki, and M. Schubert
J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 89, 036001 (2020) [View PDF (108 kB)] [DOI-link]

    326. Strain and stress relationships for optical phonon modes in monoclinic crystals with β-Ga2O3 as an example
R. Korlacki, M. Stokey, A. Mock, S. Knight, A. Papamichail, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
Phys. Rev. B 102, 180101(R) (2020) [View PDF (423 kB)] [DOI-link]

    325. Origin of layer decoupling in ordered multilayer graphene grown by high-temperature sublimation on C-face 4H-SiC
I. Persson, N. Armakavicius, C. Bouhafs, V. Stanishev, P. Kuhne, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, J. Rosen, R. Yakimova, P. O. A. Persson, and V. Darakchieva
APL Mat. 8, 011104 (2020) [View PDF (3.6 MB)] [DOI-link]

    324. Mueller matrix ellipsometer using dual continuously rotating anisotropic mirrors
A. Ruder, B. Wright, D. Peev, R. Feder, U. Kilic, M. Hilfiker, C. M. Herzinger, and M. Schubert
Opt. Lett. 45, 3541-3544 (2020) [View PDF (545 kB)] [DOI-link]

    323. Infrared-active phonons in monoclinic lutetium oxyorthosilicate
M. Stokey, A. Mock, R. Korlacki, S. Knight, V. Darakchieva, S. Schoche, and M. Schubert
J. Appl. Phys. 127, 115702 (2020) [View PDF (9.5 MB)] [DOI-link]

    322. Brillouin zone center phonon modes in ZnGa2O4
M. Stokey, S. Knight, R. Korlacki, Z. Galazka, K. Irmscher, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 117, 052104 (2020) [View PDF (3.4 MB)] [DOI-link]

    321. Numerical Ellipsometry: Methods for selecting measurements and techniques for advanced analysis applied to β-Gallium Oxide
F. K. Urban, III, D. Barton, and M. Schubert
J. Vac. Sci. Tech. A 38, 023406 (2020) [View PDF (4.3 MB)] [DOI-link]




    320. On the anomalous optical conductivity dispersion of electrically conducting polymers: ultra-wide spectral range ellipsometry combined with a Drude-Lorentz model
S. Chen, P. Kühne, V. Stanishev, R. Brooke, I. Petsagkourakis, X. Crispin, M. Schubert, V. Darakchieva, and M. P. Jonsson
J. Mat. Chem. C. 7, 4350-4362 (2019) [View PDF (4.1 MB)] [DOI-link]

    319. Dielectric function tensor (1.5 to 9.8~eV), anisotropy, and band-to-band transitions of monoclinic β-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 (x<0.21) films
M. Hilfiker, U. Kilic, A. Mock, V. Darakchieva, S. Knight, R. Korlacki, A. Mauze, Y. Zhang, J. Speck, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 231901 (2019) [View PDF (1.2 MB)] [DOI-link]

    318. Deposition of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles onto Engineered Roughness Surfaces with Controlled Heights and Properties
N. Kananizadeh, J. Lee, E. S. Mousavi, K. B. Rodenhausen, D. Sekora, M. Schubert, S. Bartelt-Hunt, E. Schubert, J. Zhang, and Y. Li
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 571, 125-133 (2019) [View PDF (4.8 MB)] [DOI-link]

    317. Visualization of label-free titanium dioxide nanoparticle deposition on surfaces with nanoscale roughness
N. Kananizadeh, D. Peev, T. Delon, E. Schubert, S. Bartelt-Hunt, M. Schubert, J. Zhang, P. Uhlmann, A. Lederer, and Yusong Li
Environmental Science: Nano 6, 248-260 (2019) [View PDF (4.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    316. Tunable plasmonic resonances in highly porous nano-bamboo Au-Si superlattice-type thin films
U. Kilic, A. Mock, R. Feder, D. Sekora, M. Hilfiker, R. Korlacki, E. Schubert, C. Argyropoulos, and M. Schubert
Sci. Rep. 9, 71 (2019) [View PDF (2.1 MB)] [DOI-link]

    315. Electromagnon excitation in cupric oxide measured by Fabry-Perot enhanced terahertz Mueller matrix ellipsometry
S. Knight, D. Prabhakaran, C. Binek, and M. Schubert
Sci. Rep. 9, 1353 (2019) [View PDF (1.6 MB)] [DOI-link]

    314. Free Polyethylenimine Enhances Substrate-Mediated Gene Delivery on Titanium Substrates Modified with RGD-Functionalized Poly(acrylic acid) Brushes
A. Mantz, A. Rosenthal, E. Farris, T. Kozisek, E. Bittrich, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, M. Stamm, P. Uhlmann, and A. Pannier
Frontiers in Chemistry 7, 51 (2019) [View PDF (1.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    313. Band-to-band transitions and critical points in the near-infrared to vacuum ultraviolet dielectric functions of single crystalline actinide oxides of uranium and thorium
A. Mock, C. Dugan, S. Knight, R. Korlacki, J. M. Mann, E. M. Hunt, J. Petrosky, P. A. Dowben, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 211901 (2019) [View PDF (1.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    312. Lattice dynamics of orthorhombic NdGaO3
A. Mock, R. Korlacki, S. Knight, M. Stokey, A. Fritz, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
Phys. Rev. B 99, 184302 (2019) [View PDF (12.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    311. Editors' Pick
Longitudinal phonon plasmon mode coupling in β-Ga2O3

M. Schubert, A. Mock, R. Korlacki, S. Knight, Z. Galazka, G. Wagner, V. Wheeler, M. Tadjer, K. Goto, and V. Darakchieva
Appl. Phys. Lett. 114, 102102 (2019) [View PDF (2.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    310. Phonon order and reststrahlen bands of polar vibrations in crystals with monoclinic symmetry
M. Schubert, A. Mock, R. Korlacki, and V. Darakchieva
Phys. Rev. B 99, 041201 (Rapid Comm.) (2019) [View PDF (734 kB)] [DOI-link]

    309. Optical sensing and separation based on ordered 3D nanostructured surfaces
M. M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, D. Schmidt, P. H. Dussault, A. Holmes, and R. Y. Lai
U. S. Pat. Grant 10190978, (2019)




    308. Electron effective mass in In0.34Ga0.66N determined by mid-infrared optical Hall effect
N. Armakavicius, V. Stanishev, S. Knight, P. Kuehne, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 082103 (2018) [View PDF (808 kB)] [DOI-link]

    307. Electrical and material properties of hydrothermally grown single crystal (111) UO2
C. L. Dugan, G. G. Peterson, A. Mock, C. Young, J. M. Mann, M. Nastasi, M. Schubert, L. Wang, W.-N. Mei, T. Tanabe, P. A. Dowben, and J. Petrosky
Europ. Phys. J. B 91, 67 (1-7) (2018) [View PDF (874 kB)] [DOI-link]

    306. Critical-point model dielectric function analysis of WO3 thin films deposited by atomic layer deposition techniques
U. Kilic, D. Sekora, A. Mock, R. Korlacki, S. Vallopilly, E. M. Echeverria, N. Ianno, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
J. Appl. Phys. 124, 115302 (2018) [View PDF (1.6 MB)] [DOI-link]

    305. Editors' Pick
Electron effective mass in Sn-doped monoclinic single crystal beta-gallium oxide determined by mid-infrared optical Hall effect

S. Knight, A. Mock, R. Korlacki, V. Darakchieva, B. Monemar, Y. Kumagai, K. Goto, M. Higashiwaki, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 012103 (2018) [View PDF (720 kB)] [DOI-link]

    304. Salt-sensitivity of the thermoresponsive behavior of PNIPAAm-Brushes
M. Koenig, K. R. Rodenhausen, S. Rauch, E. Bittrich, K.-J. Eichhorn, M. Schubert, M. Stamm, and P. Uhlmann
Langmuir 34, 2448–2454 (2018) [View PDF (1.5 MB)] [DOI-link]

    303. Advanced Terahertz Frequency-Domain Ellipsometry Instrumentation for In Situ and Ex Situ Applications
P. Kühne, V. Stanishev, C. M. Herzinger, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology 8, 257-270 (2018) [View PDF (3.8 MB)] [DOI-link]

    302. Elevated temperature dependence of the anisotropic visible-to-ultraviolet dielectric function of monoclinic β-Ga2O3
A. Mock, J. VanDerslice, R. Korlacki, J. A. Woollam, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 112, 041905 (2018) [View PDF (1.5 MB)] [DOI-link]

    301. Anisotropy and phonon modes from analysis of the dielectric function tensor and inverse dielectric function tensor of monoclinic yttrium orthosilicate
A. Mock, R. Korlacki, S. Knight, and M. Schubert
Phys. Rev. B 97, 165203 (1-17) (2018) [View PDF (23.9 MB)] [DOI-link]

    300. Composition-Dependent Charge Transport in Boron Carbides Alloyed with Aromatics: Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Aniline/Orthocarborane Films
A. Oyeladea, A. Yost, N. Benker, B. Dong, S. Knight, M. Schubert, P. A. Dowben, and J. A. Kelber
Langmuir 34, 12007-12016 (2018) [View PDF (3.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    299. Adsorption and decontamination of α-synuclein from medically and environmentally-relevant surfaces
H. T. M. Phan, J. C. Bartz, J. Ayers, B. I. Giasson, M. Schubert, K. B. Rodenhausen, N. Kananizadeh, Y. Li, and S. L. Bartelt-Hunt
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 116, 98-107 (2018) [View PDF (2.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    298. Biofunctionalization of Titanium Substrates Using Nanoscale Polymer Brushes with Cell Adhesion Peptides
A. Rosenthal, A. Mantz, A. Nguyen, E. Bittrich, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, M. Stamm, A. K. Pannier, and P. Uhlmann
J. Phys. Chem. B 122, 6543-6550 (2018) [View PDF (1.4 MB)] [DOI-link]

    297. Method of obtaining micrographs of transparent or semi-transparent specimens using anisotropic contrast
T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, T. Kasputis, A. K. Pannier, C. M. Herzinger, and J. A. Woollam
U. S. Pat. Grant 10026167, (2018)

    296. Combined use of oscillating means and ellipsometry to determine uncorrelated effective thickness and optical constants of material deposited at or etched from a working electrode that preferrably comprises non-normal oriented nanofibers
M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, J. A. Woollam, and R. Y. Lai
U. S. Pat. Grant 10048059, (2018)

    295. Integrated vacuum-ultraviolet, mid and near-ultraviolet, visible, near, mid and far infrared and terahertz optical hall effect (OHE) instrument, and method of use
T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, S. Schoeche, P. Kuehne, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, G. K. Pribil, T. E. Tiwald, and Sean R. Knight
U. S. Pat. Grant 10073120, (2018)

    294. Birefringence imaging chromatography based on highly ordered 3D nanostructures
M. M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, D. S. Hage, E. Pfaunmiller, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, and S. Schoeche
U. S. Pat. Grant 10101265, (2018)

    293. Optical Sensing and Separation Based on Ordered 3D Nanostructured Surfaces
M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, D. Schmidt, P. H. Dussault, A. Holmes, and R. Y. Lai
U. S. Pat. App. Publ. 20180024055, (2018)




    292. Quartz crystal microbalance with coupled spectroscopic ellipsometry-study of temperature-responsive polymer brush systems
S. Adam, M. König, K. B. Rodenhausen, K.-J. Eichhorn, U. Oertel, M. Schubert, M. Stamm, and P. Uhlmann
Appl. Surf. Sci. 421, 843-851 (2017) [View PDF (1.8 MB)] [DOI-link]

    291. Cavity-enhanced optical Hall effect in epitaxial graphene detected at terahertz frequencies
N. Armakavicius, C. Bouhafs, V. Stanishev, P. Kuhne, R. Yakimova, S. Knight, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
Appl. Surf. Sci. 421, 357-360 (2017) [View PDF (422 kB)] [DOI-link]

    290. Multi-scale investigation of interface properties, stacking order and decoupling of few layer graphene on C-face 4H-SiC
C. Bouhafs, A. A. Zakharov, I. G. Ivanov, F. Giannazzo, J. Eriksson, V. Stanishev, P. Kühne, T. Iakimov, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, F. Roccaforte, R. Yakimova, and V. Darakchieva
Carbon 116, 722-732 (2017) [View PDF (3.0 MB)] [DOI-link]

    289. Effects of annealing and conformal alumina passivation on anisotropy and hysteresis of magneto-optical properties of cobalt slanted columnar thin films
C. Briley, A. Mock, R. Korlacki, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Appl. Surf. Sci. 421, 320 (2017) [View PDF (1.4 MB)] [DOI-link]

    288. Screening effects in metal sculptured thin films studied with terahertz Mueller matrix ellipsometry
T. Hofmann, S. Knight, D. Sekora, D. Schmidt, C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Appl. Surf. Sci. 421, 513-517 (2017) [View PDF (711 kB)] [DOI-link]

    287. Combined quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation (QCM-D) and generalized ellipsometry (GE) to characterize the deposition of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on model rough surfaces
N. Kananizadeh, C. Rice, J. Lee, K. B. Rodenhausen, D. Sekora, M. Schubert, E. Schubert, S. Bartelt-Hunt, and Y. Li
Journal of Hazardous Materials 322, 118-128 (2017) [View PDF (2.5 MB)] [DOI-link]

    286. In-situ frequency-domain terahertz optical Hall effect assessment of ambient doping effects on electrical mobility in graphene
S. Knight, T. Hofmann, C. Bouhafs, N. Armakavicius, P. Kühne, V. Stanishev, R. Yakimova, S. Wimer, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
Sci. Rep. 7, 5151 (2017) [View PDF (1.8 MB)] [DOI-link]

    285. Landau Level optical Hall effect spectroscopy on two- and three-dimensional layered materials with graphene and graphite as examples
P. Kuehne, V. Darakchieva, and M. Schubert
arXiv 1705, 08398 (2017) [View PDF (2.6 MB)] [DOI-link]

    284. Band-to-band transitions, selection rules, effective mass and exciton binding energy parameters in monoclinic beta Ga2O3
A. Mock, R. Korlacki, C. Briley, V. Darakchieva, B. Monemar, Y. Kumagai, K. Goto, M. Higashiwaki, and M. Schubert
Phys. Rev. B 96, 245205 (1-12) (2017) [View PDF (1.9 MB)] [DOI-link]

    283. Band-to-band transitions, selection rules, effective mass and exciton binding energy parameters in monoclinic β-Ga2O3
A. Mock, R. Korlacki, C. Briley, V. Darakchieva, B. Monemar, Y. Kumagai, K. Goto, M. Higashiwaki, and M. Schubert
arXiv 1704, 06711 (2017) [View PDF (2.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    282. Multi-layered effective medium approximation approach to modeling environmental effects on alumina passivated highly porous silicon nanostructured thin films measured by in-situ Mueller matrix ellipsometry
A. Mock, T. Carlson, J. VanDerslice, J. Mohrmann, J. A. Woollam, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Appl. Surf. Sci. 421, 663-666 (2017) [View PDF (1.1 MB)] [DOI-link]

    281. Anisotropy, phonon modes, and lattice anharmonicity from dielectric function tensor analysis of monoclinic cadmium tungstate
A. Mock, R. Korlacki, S. Knight, and M. Schubert
Phys. Rev. B 95, 165202 1-15 (2017) [View PDF (10.9 MB)] [DOI-link]

    280. Control of slanting angle, porosity, and anisotropic optical constants via nucleation layer thickness in slanted columnar thin films
C. Rice, D. Schmidt, A. Mock, D. Sekora, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Appl. Surf. Sci. 421, 766-771 (2017) [View PDF (1.8 MB)] [DOI-link]

    279. Infrared dielectric function, phonon modes and free-charge carrier properties of high-Al-content AlxGa1-xN alloys determined by mid-infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry and optical Hall effect
S. Schoeche, T. Hofmann, D. Nilsson, A. Kakanakova-Georgieva, E. Janzen, P. Kuehne, K. Lorenz, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
J. Appl. Phys. 121, 205701 (2017) [View PDF (1.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    278. Optical and structural properties of cobalt-permalloy slanted columnar heterostructure thin films
D. Sekora, C. Briley, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert
Appl. Surf. Sci. 421, 783-787 (2017) [View PDF (1.6 MB)] [DOI-link]

    277. Structural and optical properties of alumina passivated amorphous Si slanted columnar thin films during electrochemical Li-ion intercalation and deintercalation observed by in-situ generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry
D. Sekora, R.Y. Lai, D. Schmidt, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert
J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 35, 031401 1-9 (2017) [View PDF (2.5 MB)] [DOI-link]

    276. Optical sensing and separation based on ordered three-dimensional nanostructured surfaces
M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, D. Schmidt, P. H. Dussault, A. Holmes, and R. Y. Lai
U. S. Pat. Grant 9739710, (2017)

    275. Integrated mid-infrared, far infrared and terahertz optical Hall effect (OHE) instrument, and method of use
T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, S. Schoeche, S. Knight, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, G. K. Pribil, and T. E. Tiwald
U. S. Pat. Grant 9851294, (2017)




    274. Optical Hall effect in graphene on 3C-SiC (111)
C. Bouhafs, V. Stanishev, A. A. Zakharov, T. Hofmann, P. Kühne, T. Iakimov, R. Yakimova, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
Appl. Phys. Lett. 109, 203102 (2016) [View PDF (3.6 MB)] [DOI-link]

    273. Ion beam sputtering of Ti: Influence of process parameters on angular and energy distribution of sputtered and backscattered particles
T. Lautenschläger, R. Feder, H. Neumann, C. Rice, M. Schubert, and C. Bundesmann
Nuc. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. 385, 30-39 (2016) [View PDF (2.1 MB)] [DOI-link]

    272. Anisotropy, band-to-band transitions, phonon modes, and oxidation 2 properties of cobalt-oxide core-shell slanted columnar thin films
A. Mock, R. Korlacki, C. Briley, D. Sekora, T. Hofmann, P. Wilson, A. Sinitskii, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 108, 051905 (2016) [View PDF (2.4 MB)] [DOI-link]

    271. The optical Hall effect - model description: tutorial
M. Schubert, P. Kuehne, V. Darakchieva, and T. Hofmann
J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 33, 1553-1568 (2016) [View PDF (5.5 MB)] [DOI-link]

    270. Editors' Suggestion
Anisotropy, phonon modes, and free charge carrier parameters in monoclinic β-gallium oxide single crystals

M. Schubert, R. Korlacki, S. Knight, T. Hofmann, S. Schöche, V. Darakchieva, E. Janzén, B. Monemar, D. Gogova, Q.-T. Thieu, R. Togashi, H. Murakami, Y. Kumagai, K. Goto, A. Kuramata, S. Yamakoshi, and M. Higashiwaki
Phys. Rev. B 93, 125209 (1-18) (2016) [View PDF (10.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    269. Coordinate-invariant Lyddane-Sachs-Teller relationship for polar vibrations in materials with monoclinic and triclinic crystal systems
M. Schubert
Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 215502 (2016) [View PDF (165 kB)] [DOI-link]

    268. Anisotropic Optical Contrast Microscope
D. Peev, T. Hofmann, N. Kananizadeh, S. Wimer, B. Rodenhausen, C. M. Herzinger, T. Kasputis, E. Pfaunmiller, A. Nguyen, R. Korlacki, A. Pannier, Y. Li, E. Schubert, D. Hage, and M. Schubert
Rev. Sci. Instr. 87, 113701 (1-17) (2016) [View PDF (19.4 MB)] [DOI-link]

M. Hovinen, M. Schubert, G. Finken, G. Schmitz, T. Hofmann, and S. Schoeche
U. S. Pat. App. Publ. 20160041089, (2016)

    266. Solution-Stable Anisotropic Carbon Nanotube/Graphene Hybrids Based on Slanted Columnar Thin Films for Chemical Sensing
P. Wilson, A. Zobel, A. Zaitouna, A. Lipatov, E. Schubert, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, R. Lai, and A. Sinitskii
RSC Advances 6, 63235-63240 (2016) [View PDF (1.4 MB)] [DOI-link]




    265. Structural properties and dielectric function of graphene grown by high-temperature sublimation on 4H-SiC(000-1)
C. Bouhafs, V. Darakchieva, I. L. Persson, A. Tiberj, P. O. Å. Persson, M. Paillet, A.-A. Zahab, P. Landois, S. Juillaguet, S. Schöche, M. Schubert, and R. Yakimova
J. Appl. Phys. 117, 085701 (2015) [View PDF (4.9 MB)] [DOI-link]

    264. Investigation of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) Attachment Onto Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) Using Combinatorial Quartz Crystal Microbalance With Dissipation (QCM-D) and Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (SE)
H. T. M. Phan, S. Bartelt-Hunt, K. B. Rodenhausen, M. Schubert, and J. C. Bartz
PLOS ONE 10, 0141282 (1-20) (2015) [View PDF (2.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    263. Use of precisely sculptured thin film (STF) substrates with generalized ellipsometry to determine spatial distribution of adsorbed fibronectin to nanostructured columnar topographies and effect on cell adhesion
T. Kasputis, A. Pieper, K. B. Rodenhausen, D. Schmidt, D. Sekora, C. Rice, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and A. K. Pannier
Acta biomaterialia 18, 88-99 (2015) [View PDF (2.6 MB)]

    262. On the improvement of PEC activity of hematite thin films deposited by high power pulsed magnetron sputter method
S. Kment, Z. Hubicka, J. Krysa, D. Sekora, M. Zlamal, J. Olejnicek, M. Cada, P. Ksirova, Z. Remes, P. Schmulki, E. Schubert, and R. Zboril
Appl. Catal., B. 165, 344-350 (2015) [DOI-link]

    261. Selected for Spotlight on Optics
Cavity-enhanced optical Hall effect in two-dimensional free charge carrier gases detected at terahertz frequencies

S. Knight, S. Schöche, V. Darakchieva, P. Kühne, J.-F. Carlin, N. Grandjean, C. M. Herzinger, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann
Opt. Lett. 40, 2688 (2015) [View PDF (1.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    260. Optical anisotropy of porous polymer film with inverse slanted nanocolumnar structure revealed via generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry
D. Liang, D. Sekora, C. Rice, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 107, 071908 (2015) [View PDF (2.1 MB)] [DOI-link]

    259. The retention of liquid by columnar nanostructured surfaces during quartz crystal microbalance measurements and the effects of adsorption thereon
K. B. Rodenhausen, R. S. Davis, D. Sekora, D. Liang, A. Mock, R. Neupane, D. Schmidt, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
J. Colloid Interf. Sci. 455, 226 (2015) [View PDF (1.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    258. Anisotropic magneto-optical hysteresis of permalloy slanted columnar thin films determined by vector magneto-optical generalized ellipsometry
C. Briley, D. Schmidt, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 133104 (2015) [View PDF (1.8 MB)] [DOI-link]

    257. Anisotropy, phonon modes, and free charge carrier parameters in monoclinic β-gallium oxide single crystals
M. Schubert, R. Korlacki, S. Knight, T. Hofmann, S. Schoeche, V. Darakchieva, E. Janzen, B. Monemar, D. Gogova, Q.-T. Thieu, R. Togashi, H. Murakami, Y. Kumagai, K. Goto, A. Kuramata, S. Yamakoshi, and M. Higashiwaki
arXiv 1512, 08590 (2015) [View PDF (1.6 MB)] [DOI-link]

    256. Infrared dielectric functions and optical phonons of wurtzite Y(x)Al(1-x)N (0 < = x < = 0.22)
N. Ben Sedrine, A. Zukauskaite, J. Birch, J. Jensen, L. Hultman, S. Schoeche, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 48, 415102 (2015) [View PDF (1.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

C. M. Herzinger, M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, M. M. Liphardt, and J. A. Woollam
U. S. Pat. App. Publ. 20150153230, (2015)

    254. Terahertz-infrared ellipsometer system, and method of use
C. M. Herzinger, M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, M. M. Liphardt, and J. A. Woollam
U. S. Pat. Grant 8934096, (2015)

    253. Terahertz-infrared ellipsometer system, and method of use
C. M. Herzinger, M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, M. M. Liphardt, and J. A. Woollam
U. S. Pat. Grant 9041927, (2015)

    252. Multilayer Graphitic Coatings for Thermal Stabilization of Metallic Nanostructures
P. Wilson, A. Zobel, A. Lipatov, E. Schubert, T. Hofmann, and A. Sinitskii
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 7, 2987–2992 (2015) [View PDF (4.6 MB)] [DOI-link]

    251. Structural and Optical Properties of Cobalt Slanted Nanopillars Conformally Coated with Few-Layer Graphene
P.M. Wilson, D. Schmidt, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, A. Sinistkii, and T. Hofmann
Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 231901 (2015) [View PDF (1.6 MB)] [DOI-link]




    250. Effect of Mg doping on the structural and free-charge carrier properties of InN thin films
M.-Y. Xie, N. Ben Sedrine, S. Schöche, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, L. Hong, B. Monemar, X. Wang, A. Yoshikawa, K. Wang, T. Araki, Y. Nanishi, and V. Darakchieva
J. Appl. Phys. 115, 163504 (2014) [View PDF (2.5 MB)] [DOI-link]

    249. Dynamic analysis of DNA nanoparticle immobilization to model biomaterial substrates using combinatorial spectroscopic ellipsometry and quartz crystal microbalance with dissipation
T. Kasputis, A. Piepera, M. Schubert, and A. K. Pannier
Thin Solid Films 571, 637-643 (2014) [View PDF (1.2 MB)] [DOI-link]

    248. Combined QCM-D/GE as a tool to characterize stimuli-responsive swelling of and protein adsorption on polymer brushes grafted onto 3D-nanostructures
M. Koenig, T. Kasputis, D. Schmidt, K.B. Rodenhausen, K.-J. Eichhorn, A. K. Pannier, M. Schubert, M. Stamm, and P. Uhlmann
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 406, 7233-42 (2014) [View PDF (3.0 MB)] [DOI-link]

    247. An integrated mid-infrared, far-infrared and terahertz optical Hall effect instrument
P. Kühne, C. M. Herzinger, M. Schubert, J.A. Woollam, and T. Hofmann
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 85, 071301 (2014) [View PDF (3.9 MB)] [DOI-link]

    246. Visualization of magnetic domains in sculpted three-dimensional cobalt nanospirals
C. Phatak, Y. Liu, E.B. Gulsoy, D. Schmidt, E. Schubert, and A. Petford-Long
Nano Lett. 14, 759 (2014) [View PDF (823 kB)] [DOI-link]

    245. Free-charge carrier parameters of n-type, p-type and compensated InN:Mg determined by Infrared Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
S. Schöche, T. Hofmann, V. Darakchieva, X. Wang, A. Yoshikawa, K. Wang, T. Araki, Y. Nanishi, and M. Schubert
Thin Solid Films 571, 384-388 (2014) [DOI-link]

    244. Assessing structural, free-charge carrier, and phonon properties of mixed-phase epitaxial films: The case of InN
M.-Y. Xie, M. Schubert, J. Lu, P. O. A. Persson, V. Stanishev, C. L. Hsiao, L. C. Chen, W. J. Schaff, and V. Darakchieva
Phys. Rev. B 90, 195306 (2014) [View PDF (2.5 MB)] [DOI-link]

    243. Terahertz-infrared ellipsometer system, and method of use
C. M. Herzinger, M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, M. M. Liphardt, and J. A. Woollam
U. S. Pat. App. Publ. 20140027644, (2014)

M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, D. Schmidt, P. H. Dussault, A. Holmes, and R. Y. Lai
U. S. Pat. App. Publ. 20140106980, (2014)

    241. Terahertz-infrared ellipsometer system, and method of use
C. M. Herzinger, M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, M. M. Liphardt, and J. A. Woollam
U. S. Pat. Grant 8705032, (2014)

    240. Polarization-coupled ferroelectric unipolar junction memory and energy storage device
M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, and V. R. Voora
U. S. Pat. Grant 8711599, (2014)

    239. Morphological and electronic properties of epitaxial graphene on SiC
R. Yakimova, T. Iakimov, G.R. Yazdi, C. Bouhafs, J. Eriksson, A. Zakharov, A. Boosalis, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
Physica B: Condensed Matter 439, 54-59 (2014) [View PDF (2.6 MB)] [DOI-link]




    238. A Model Dielectric Function for Graphene from the Infrared to the Ultraviolet
A. Boosalis, R. Elmquist, M. Real, N. Nguyen, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1505, (2013) [View PDF (838 kB)] [DOI-link]

    237. Large-area microfocal spectroscopic ellipsometry mapping of thickness and electronic properties of epitaxial graphene on Si- and C-face of 3C-SiC (111)
V. Darakchieva, A. Boosalis, A. A. Zakharov, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, T. E. Tiwald, T. Iakimov, R. Vasiliauskas, and R. Yakimova
App. Phys. Lett. 102, 213116 (2013) [View PDF (1.8 MB)] [DOI-link]

    236. Slanted Columnar Thin Films Prepared by Glancing Angle Deposition Functionalized with Polyacrylic Acid Guiselin Polymer Brushes
T. Kasputis, M. Koenig, D. Schmidt, D. Sekora, K. B. Rodenhausen, K.-J. Eichhorn, P. Uhlmann, E. Schubert, A. K. Pannier, M. Schubert, and M. Stamm
J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 13971 (2013) [View PDF (3.8 MB)] [DOI-link]

    235. Insitu-Synthesis of Palladium Nanoparticles in Polymer Brushes followed by QCM-D coupled with spectroscopic ellipsometry
M. Koenig, K. B. Rodenhausen, D. Schmidt, K.-J. Eichhorn, M. Schubert, M. Stamm, and P. Uhlmann
Part. Part. Syst. Char. 30, 931 (2013) [View PDF (2.2 MB)] [DOI-link]

    234. Polarization selection rules for inter-Landau level transitions in epitaxial graphene revealed by infrared optical Hall effect
P. Kühne, V. Darakchieva, J.D. Tedesco, R.L. Myers-Ward, C.R. Eddy Jr., D.K. Gaskill, R. Yakimova and C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 077402 (2013) [View PDF (2.0 MB)] [DOI-link]

    233. Reflection-type optical-Hall effect measurement of Landau-level transitions in epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide - coupled phonon mode
P. Kühne, A. Boosalis, C. M. Herzinger, L.O. Nyakiti, V.D. Wheeler, R.L. Myers-Ward, C.R. Eddy, Jr., D.K. Gaskill, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1505, w07-44 (2013) [DOI-link]

    232. Generalized ellipsometry effective medium approximation analysis approach for the porous slanted columnar thin films infiltrated with polymer
D. Liang, D. Schmidt, H. Wang, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 111906 (2013) [View PDF (1.4 MB)] [DOI-link]

    231. Vector Magneto-Optical Generalized Ellipsometry for Sculptured Thin Films
D. Schmidt, C. Briley, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 123109 (2013) [View PDF (842 kB)] [DOI-link]

    230. Anisotropic Bruggeman Effective Medium Approaches for Slanted Columnar Thin Films
D. Schmidt, and M. Schubert
J. Appl. Phys. 114, 083510 (2013) [View PDF (1.6 MB)] [DOI-link]

    229. Infrared to vacuum-ultraviolet ellipsometry and optical Hall-effect study of free-charge carrier parameters in Mg-doped InN
S. Schöche, T. Hofmann, V. Darakchieva, N. Ben Sedrine, X. Wang, A. Yoshikawa, and M. Schubert
J. Appl. Phys. 113, 013502 (2013) [View PDF (2.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    228. Electron effective mass in Al0.72Ga0.28N alloys determined by mid-infrared optical Hall effect
S. Schöche, P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, D. Nilsson, A. Kakanakova-Georgieva, E. Janzén, and V. Darakchieva
Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 212107 (2013) [View PDF (605 kB)] [DOI-link]

    227. Infrared dielectric anisotropy and phonon modes of rutile TiO2
S. Schöche, T. Hofmann, R. Korlacki, T. E. Tiwald, and M. Schubert
J. Appl. Phys. 113, 164102 (2013) [View PDF (2.9 MB)] [DOI-link]

    226. Terahertz-infrared ellipsometer system, and method of use
C. M. Herzinger, M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, M. M. Liphardt, and J. A. Woollam
U. S. Pat. Grant 8416408, (2013)

    225. Mass sensor
M. Schubert, E. Schubert, T. Hofmann, and D. Schmidt
U. S. Pat. Grant 8441635, (2013)

    224. Terahertz-infrared ellipsometer system, and method of use
C. M. Herzinger, M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, M. M. Liphardt, and J. A. Woollam
U. S. Pat. Grant 8488119, (2013)

    223. Terahertz resonator
E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann
U. S. Pat. Grant 8507860, (2013)




    222. Spectroscopic Mapping Ellipsometry of Graphene Grown on 3C SiC
A. Boosalis, T. Hofmann, V. Darakchieva, R. Yakimova, Tom Tiwald, and M. Schubert
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1407, aa20-43 (2012) [View PDF (531 kB)] [DOI-link]

    221. Visible to Vacuum Ultraviolet Dielectric Functions of Epitaxial Graphene on 3C and 4H SiC Polytypes Determined by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
A. Boosalis, T. Hofmann, V. Darakchieva, R. Yakimova, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 011912 (2012) [View PDF (669 kB)] [DOI-link]

    220. Metal slanted columnar thin film THz optical sensors
T. Hofmann, D. Schmidt, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, C. Herzinger, J. Woollam, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1409, CC13-31 (2012) [View PDF (748 kB)] [DOI-link]

    219. Temperature dependent effective mass in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor structures
T. Hofmann, P. Kühne, S. Schöche, Jr.-Tai Chen, U. Forsberg, E. Janzen, N. Ben Sedrine, C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 192102 (2012) [View PDF (508 kB)] [DOI-link]

    218. Generalized ellipsometry in-situ quantification of organic adsorbate attachment within slanted columnar thin films
K. B. Rodenhausen, D. Schmidt, T. Kasputis, A. K. Pannier, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Opt. Express 20, 5419-5428 (2012) [View PDF (1.5 MB)] [DOI-link]

    217. Selected for publication in
Vir. J. Nan. Sci. & Tech. Vol. 25 (4) (2012)

Optical Properties of Cobalt Slanted Columnar Thin Films Passivated by Atomic Layer Deposition

D. Schmidt, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 011912 (2012) [View PDF (1.1 MB)] [DOI-link]

    216. Vector Magneto-Optical Generalized Ellipsometry on Passivated Permalloy Slanted Columnar Thin Films
D. Schmidt, C. Briley, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1408, BB15-19 (2012) [View PDF (1.4 MB)] [DOI-link]

    215. Aging Effects of As-deposited and Passivated Cobalt Slanted Columnar Thin Films
D. Schmidt, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1409, CC13-17 (2012) [View PDF (147 kB)] [DOI-link]

    214. Infrared ellipsometry and near-infrared-to-vacuum-ultraviolet ellipsometry study of free-charge carrier properties in In-polar p-type InN
S. Schöche, T. Hofmann, N. B. Sedrine, V. Darakchieva, B. Monemar, X. Wang, A. Yoshikawa, and M. Schubert
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1396, O07-27 (2012) [DOI-link]

    213. Sensing change
M. Schubert
International Innovation 11, 91-93 (2012) [View PDF (3.9 MB)]

    212. Selected for publication in
Vir. J. Nan. Sci. & Tech. Vol. 25 (10) (2012)

Nanomagnetic Skyrmions

R. Skomski, Z. Li, R. Zhang, R.D. Kirby, A. Enders, D. Schmidt, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, and D. J. Sellmyer
J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07E116 (2012) [View PDF (503 kB)] [DOI-link]

    211. Polarization-Coupled Ferroelectric Unipolar Junction Memory And Energy Storage Device
M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, and V. R. Voora
U. S. Pat. App. Publ. 20120081943, (2012)

    210. Terahertz-infrared ellipsometer system, and method of use
C. M. Herzinger, M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, M. M. Liphardt, and J. A. Woollam
U. S. Pat. App. Publ. 20120206724, (2012)

    209. Terahertz-infrared ellipsometer system, and method of use
C. M. Herzinger, M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, M. M. Liphardt, and J. A. Woollam
U. S. Pat. App. Publ. 20120261580, (2012)

    208. Empirical correction for spectroscopic ellipsometric measurements of rough or textured surfaces
C. M. Herzinger, B. D. Johs, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann
U. S. Pat. Grant 8248607, (2012)

    207. Highlighted by IOP
Direct graphene growth on Co3O4(111) by molecular beam epitaxy

M. Zhou, F. L. Pasquale, P. A. Dowben, A. Boosalis, M. Schubert, V. Darakchieva, R. Yakimova, L. Kong, and J. A. Kelber
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 072201 (2012) [View PDF (542 kB)] [DOI-link]




    206. Free-charge carrier profiles of iso- and aniso-type Si homojunctions determined by terahertz and mid-infrared ellipsometry
A. Boosalis, T. Hofmann, J. \vSik, and M. Schubert
Thin Solid Films 519, 2604 (2011) [View PDF (355 kB)] [DOI-link]

    205. Selected for publication in
Vir. J. Nan. Sci. & Tech. Vol. 23 (5) (2011)

Hole-channel conductivity in epitaxial graphene determined by terahertz optical-Hall effect and midinfrared ellipsometry

T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, D. K. Gaskill, J. L. Tedesco, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 041906 (2011) [View PDF (175 kB)] [DOI-link]

    204. THz dielectric anisotropy of metal slanted columnar thin films
T. Hofmann, D. Schmidt, A. Boosalis, P. Kuehne, R. Skomski, C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 081903 (2011) [View PDF (543 kB)] [DOI-link]

    203. Terahertz ellipsometry and terahertz optical-Hall effect
T. Hofmann, C.M. Herzinger, J.L. Tedesco, D.K. Gaskill, J.A. Woollam, and M. Schubert
Thin Solid Films 519, 2593 (2011) [View PDF (972 kB)] [DOI-link]

    202. Terahertz frequency optical-Hall effect in multiple valley band materials
P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, C. M. Herzinger, and M. Schubert
Thin Solid Films 519, 2613 (2011) [View PDF (582 kB)] [DOI-link]

    201. Temperature dependent model dielectric function of highly disordered Ga0.52In0.48P
E. Montgomery, C. Krahmer, K. Streubel, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Thin Solid Films 519, 2859 (2011) [View PDF (532 kB)] [DOI-link]

    200. Also selected for publication in
Vir. J. Biol. Phys. Res. Vol. 24 (20) (2011)
Vir. J. Nan. Sci. & Tech. Vol. 23 (5) (2011)
Combined Optical and Acoustical Method for Determination of Thickness and Porosity of Tranparent Organic Layers Below the Ultra-thin Film Limit

K. B. Rodenhausen, T. Kasputis, A. K. Pannier, J. Y. Gerasimov, R. Y. Lai, M. Solinsky, T. E. Tiwald, H. Wang, A. Sarkar, T. Hofmann, N. Ianno, and M. Schubert
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 82, 103111 (2011) [View PDF (793 kB)] [DOI-link]

    199. Micelle-assisted bilayer formation of cetyltrimethlyammonium bromide thin films studied with combinatorial spectroscopic ellipsometry and quartz crystal microbalance techniques
K. B. Rodenhausen, M. Guericke, A. Sarkar, T. Hofmann, N. Ianno, M. Schubert, T. E. Tiwald, M. Solinsky, and M. Wagner
Thin Solid Films 519, 2821-2824 (2011) [View PDF (457 kB)] [DOI-link]

    198. In-situ monitoring of alkanethiol self-assembled monolayer chemisorption with combined spectroscopic ellipsometry and quartz crystal microbalance techniques
K. B. Rodenhausen, B. A. Duensing, T. Kasputis, A. K. Pannier, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, T. E. Tiwald, M. Solinsky, and M. Wagner
Thin Solid Films 519, 2817-2820 (2011) [View PDF (547 kB)] [DOI-link]

    197. Virtual separation approach to study porous ultra-thin films by combined spectroscopic ellipsometry and quartz crystal microbalance methods
K. B. Rodenhausen, and M. Schubert
Thin Solid Films 519, 2772-2776 (2011) [View PDF (311 kB)] [DOI-link]

    196. Optical properties of hybrid titanium chevron sculptured thin films coated with a semiconducting polymer
D. Schmidt, C. Müller, T. Hofmann, O. Inganäs, H. Arwin, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Thin Solid Films 519, 2645 (2011) [View PDF (734 kB)] [DOI-link]

    195. Terahertz optical-Hall effect characterization of two-dimensional electron gas properties in AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor structures
S. Schöche, J. Shi, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam and W. J. Schaff, L. F. Eastman, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann
Appl. Phys. Lett. 98, 092103 (2011) [View PDF (153 kB)] [DOI-link]

    194. Optical properties of GaAs0.9-xNxSb0.1 alloy films studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry
N. B. Sedrine, C. Bouhafs, M. Schubert, J. C. Harmand, R. Chtourou, and V. Darakchieva
Thin Solid Films 519, 2838–2842 (2011) [View PDF (733 kB)] [DOI-link]




    193. Protein adsorption on and swelling of polyelectrolyte brushes: a simultaneous ellipsometry-quartz crystal microbalance study
E. Bittrich, K. B. Rodenhausen, K. Eichhorn, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, M. Stamm, and P. Uhlmann
Biointerphases 5, 159 (2010) [View PDF (761 kB)] [DOI-link]

    192. Hydrogen in InN: a ubiquitous phenomenon in molecular beam epitaxy grown material
V. Darakchieva, K. Lorenz, N.P. Barradas, E. Alves, B. Monemar, M. Schubert, N. Franco, C.L Hsiao and L.C. Chen, W.J. Schaff, L.W. Tu, T. Yamaguchi, and Y. Nanishi
Appl. Phys. Lett 96, 081907 (2010) [View PDF (239 kB)] [DOI-link]

    191. Variable-wavelength frequency-domain THz ellipsometry
T. Hofmann, C.M. Herzinger, A. Boosalis, T.E. Tiwald, J.A. Woollam, and M. Schubert
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 023101 (2010) [View PDF (303 kB)] [DOI-link]

    190. Ab-initio calculations and ellipsometry measurements of the optical properties of the layered semiconductor In4Se3
L. Makinistian, E.A. Albanesi, N.V. Gonzalez Lemus, A.G. Petukhov, D. Schmidt, E. Schubert, M. Schubert, Ya.B. Losovyj, P. Galiy, and P. Dowben
Phys. Rev. B 81, 075217 (2010) [View PDF (770 kB)] [DOI-link]

    189. Spectroscopic ellipsometry characterization of SiNx antireflection films on textured multicrystalline and monocrystalline silicon solar cells
M. F. Saenger, J. Sun, M. Schädel, J. Hilfiker, M. Schubert, and J. A. Woollam
Thin Solid Films 518, 1830 (2010) [View PDF (582 kB)] [DOI-link]

    188. Voigt effect measurement on PLD grown NiO thin films
C. Scarlat, K. M. Mok, S. Zhou, M. Vinnichenko, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, M. Helm, M. Schubert, and H. Schmidt
phys. stat. sol. c 7, 334 (2010) [View PDF (223 kB)] [DOI-link]

    187. Magneto-optical Properties of Cobalt Slanted Columnar Thin Films
D. Schmidt, T. Hofmann, C. M. Herzinger, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 091906 (2010) [View PDF (262 kB)] [DOI-link]

    186. Mass Sensor
M. Schubert, E. Schubert, T. Hofmann, and D. Schmidt
U. S. Pat. App. Publ. 20100245820, (2010)

    185. Terahertz Resonator
E. Schubert, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann
U. S. Pat. App. Publ. 20100295635, (2010)

    184. Interface polarization coupling in piezoelectric-semiconductor ferroelectric heterostructures
V.M. Voora, T. Hofmann, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, N. Ashkenov, H. Schmidt, N. Ianno, and M. Schubert
Phys. Rev. B 81, 195307 (2010) [View PDF (703 kB)] [DOI-link]




    183. Annealing effects on the optical properties of semiconducting boron carbide
R.B. Billa, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, and B.W. Robertson
J. Appl. Phys. 106, 033515 (2009) [View PDF (239 kB)] [DOI-link]

    182. Free electron behavior in InN: on the role of dislocations and surface electron accumulation
V. Darakchieva, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, B. E. Sernelius, B. Monemar, P. O. A. Persson, F. Giuliani, E. Alves, H. Lu, and W. J. Schaff
Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 022109 (2009) [View PDF (200 kB)] [DOI-link]

    181. Electron accumulation at nonpolar and semi-polar surfaces of wurtzite InN from generalized infrared ellipsometry
V. Darakchieva, M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, B. Monemar, Y. Takagi, and Y. Nanishi
Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 202103 (2009) [View PDF (569 kB)] [DOI-link]

    180. Role of impurities and dislocations for the unintentional n-type conductivity in InN
V. Darakchieva, E. Alves, M.-Y. Xie, N. P. Barradas, K. Lorenz, M. Schubert, P.O.ºA. Persson, F. Giuliani, F. Munnik, C.-L. Hsiao, L.-C. Chen, and W. J. Schaff
Physica B 404, 4476 (2009) [View PDF (1.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    179. Terahertz Ellipsometry Using Electron-Beam Based Sources
T. Hofmann, C. M. Herzinger, U. Schade, M. Mross, J. A. Woollam, and M. Schubert
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. 1108, A08-04 (2009) [View PDF (109 kB)] [DOI-link]

    178. Hole diffusion profile in a p-p+ Silicon homojunction determined by terahertz and mid-infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry
T. Hofmann, C.M. Herzinger, T.E. Tiwald, J.A. Woollam, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 032102 (2009) [View PDF (230 kB)] [DOI-link]

    177. Materials Characterization using THz Ellipsometry
T. Hofmann, C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, and M. Schubert
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1163E, 1163-K08-04 (2009) [View PDF (106 kB)] [DOI-link]

    176. Infrared ellipsometric characterization of silicon nitride films on textured Si photovoltaic cells
M. F. Saenger, M. Schädel, T. Hofmann, J. Hilfiker, J. Sun, T. Tiwald, M. Schubert, and J. A. Woollam
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1123, P02-02 (2009) [View PDF (245 kB)] [DOI-link]

    175. Monitoring Organic Thin Film Growth in Aqueous Solution In-situ with a Combined Quartz Crystal Microbalance and Ellipsometry
A. Sarkar, T. Viitala, T. Hofmann, T.E. Tiwald, J.A. Woollam, A. Kjerstad, B. Laderian, and M. Schubert
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. 1146E, 1146-NN09-02 (2009) [View PDF (216 kB)] [DOI-link]

    174. Monoclinic optical constants, birefringence, and dichroism of slanted titanium nanocolumns determined by generalized ellipsometry
D. Schmidt, B. Booso, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, A. Sarangan, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 011914 (2009) [View PDF (381 kB)] [DOI-link]

    173. Optical and magnetic properties of Co nanostructure thin films
D. Schmidt, T. Hofmann, A. C. Kjerstad, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1142, 1142-JJ09-04 (2009) [View PDF (502 kB)]

    172. Optical, structural, and magnetic properties of cobalt nanostructure thin films
D. Schmidt, A. C. Kjerstad, T. Hofmann, R. Skomski, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
J. Appl. Phys. 105, 113508 (2009) [View PDF (656 kB)] [DOI-link]

    171. Generalized ellipsometry for monoclinic absorbing materials: determination of optical constants of Cr columnar thin films
D. Schmidt, B. Booso, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, A. Sarangan, and M. Schubert
Opt. Lett. 34, 992 (2009) [View PDF (300 kB)] [DOI-link]

    170. Characterizing antireflection coatings on textured mono-crystalline Si with spectroscopic ellipsometry
J. Sun, M. F. Saenger, M. Schubert, J. N. Hilfiker, R. Synowicki, C. M. Herzinger, and J. A. Woollam
IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference ISBN 978-1-4244-2949-3, 001407-001411 (2009) [View PDF (1.5 MB)] [DOI-link]

    169. Interface-charge-coupled polarization response of Pt-ZnO-BaTiO3-ZnO-Pt heterostructures: Three-layer model expansion
V. M. Voora, T. Hofmann, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, and M. Schubert
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1110, 1110-C06-14 (2009) [View PDF (177 kB)] [DOI-link]

    168. Resistive hysteresis and interface charge coupling in BaTiO3-ZnO heterostructures
V. M. Voora, T. Hofmann, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, N. Ashkenov, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 142904 (2009) [View PDF (536 kB)] [DOI-link]

    167. Electrical properties of ZnO-BaTiO3-ZnO heterostructures with asymmetric interface charge distribution
V. M. Voora, T. Hofmann, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, N. Ashkenov, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 082902 (2009) [View PDF (595 kB)] [DOI-link]




    166. Lattice parameters of bulk GaN fabricated by halide vapor phase epitaxy
V. Darakchieva, B. Monemar, A. Usui, M. F. Saenger, and M. Schubert
J. Cryst. Growth 310, 959-965 (2008) [DOI-link]

    165. Unravelling the free electron behavior in InN
V. Darakchieva, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, B.E. Sernelius, F. Giuliani, M.-Y. Xie, P.O.A. Persson, B. Monemar, W.J. Schaff, C.-L. Hsiao, L.-C. Chen, and Y. Nanishi
Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices ISBN 978-1-4244-2716-1, 90-97 (2008) [View PDF (718 kB)] [DOI-link]

    164. Kramers-Kronig-consistent optical functions of anisotropic crystals: generalized spectroscopic ellipsometry on pentacene
M. Dressel, B. Gompf, D. Faltermeier, A. K. Tripathi, J. Pflaum, and M. Schubert
Opt. Express 16, 19770 (2008) [View PDF (265 kB)] [DOI-link]

    163. Optical Hall-effect in hexagonal InN
T. Hofmann, V. Darakchieva, B. Monemar, H. Lu, W. J. Schaff, and M. Schubert
J. Electron. Mater 37, 611-615 (2008) [View PDF (420 kB)] [DOI-link]

    162. Infrared behavior of aluminum nanostructure sculptured thin films
T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, D. Schmidt, and E. Schubert
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1080E, 1080-O04-16 (2008) [View PDF (598 kB)] [DOI-link]

    161. The optical Hall effect
T. Hofmann, C.M. Herzinger, C. Krahmer, K. Streubel, and M. Schubert
phys. stat. sol. (a) 205, 779 (2008) [View PDF (2.7 MB)] [DOI-link]

    160. Optical Hall effect studies on modulation-doped AlxGa1-xAs:Si/GaAs quantum wells
T. Hofmann, C. von Middendorff, V. Gottschalch, and M. Schubert
phys. stat. sol. (c) 5, 1386 - 1390 (2008) [View PDF (400 kB)] [DOI-link]

    159. Characterization of an optically pumped ZnO-based 3rd order distributed feedback laser
D. Hofstetter, Y. Bonetti, E. BaumannF, R. Giorgetta, A.-H. El-Shaer, A. Bakin, A. Waag, R. Schmidt-Grund, M. Grundmann, and M. Schubert
SPIE Vol. 6895, 68950J (2008) [DOI-link]

    158. In-situ monitoring of the p- and n-type doping in AlGaInP
C. Krahmer, A. Behres, M. Schubert, and K. Streubel
J. Cryst. Growth 310, 4727 (2008) [DOI-link]

    157. Polaron transitions in charge intercalated amorphous tungsten oxide thin films
M. F. Saenger, T. Höing, T. Hofmann, and M. Schubert
phys. stat. sol. (a) 205, 914 (2008) [View PDF (580 kB)] [DOI-link]

    156. Dielectric and magnetic birefringence in low-chlorine-doped n-type Zn1-xMnxSe
M. F. Saenger, M. Hetterich, R. D. Kirby, D. J. Sellmyer, and M. Schubert
phys. stat. sol. (c) 5, 1007 (2008) [View PDF (493 kB)] [DOI-link]

    155. Polaron and Phonon properties in proton intercalated amorphous tungsten oxide thin films
M. F. Saenger, T. Höing, B. W. Robertson, R. B. Billa, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
Phys. Rev. B 75, 245205 (2008) [View PDF (987 kB)] [DOI-link]

    154. Vacuum Ultraviolet Dielectric Function and Band Structure of ZnO
R. Schmidt-Grund, B. Rheinländer, E. M. Kaidashev, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, D. Fritsch, M. Schubert, H. Schmidt, and C. M. Herzinger
Journal of the Korean Physical Society 53, 88-93 (2008) [View PDF (568 kB)]

    153. Generalized Ellipsometry Determination of Non-reciprocity in Chiral Silicon Sculptured Thin Films
D. Schmidt, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
phys. stat. sol. (a) 205, 748 (2008) [View PDF (1.0 MB)] [DOI-link]

    152. Preface: phys. stat. sol. (c) 5/5 pages 1000-1002 (4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Stockholm 2007)
H. Arwin, U. Beck, and M. Schubert
phys. stat. sol. c 5, 1000–1002 (2008) [View PDF (269 kB)] [DOI-link]

    151. Investigation of the free charge carrier properties at the ZnO sapphire interface in a-plane ZnO films studied by generalized infrared ellipsometry
Ch. Sturm, T. Chavdarov, R. Schmidt-Grund, B. Rheinlaeander, C. Bundesmann, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, M. Schubert, and M. Grundmann
phys. stat. sol. (c) , (2008) [View PDF (392 kB)] [DOI-link]

    150. Interface-charge-coupled polarization response of Pt-BaTiO3-ZnO-Pt heterojunctions: A physical model approach
V. M. Voora, T. Hofmann, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, N. Ashkenov, and M. Schubert
J. Electron. Mater 37, 1029-1034 (2008) [View PDF (397 kB)] [DOI-link]

    149. Interface-charge-coupled polarization response model of Pt-BaTiO3-ZnO-Pt heterojunctions: Physical parameters variation
V. M. Voora, T. Hofmann, A. C. Kjerstad, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, and M. Schubert
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1074E, 1074-I01-11 (2008) [View PDF (87 kB)]

    148. Electrooptic ellipsometry study of piezoelectric BaTiO3-ZnO heterostructures
V. M. Voora, T. Hofmann, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, and M. Schubert
phys. stat. sol. (c) 5, 1328 (2008) [View PDF (424 kB)] [DOI-link]




    147. Dielectric constants and phonon modes of amorphous hafnium aluminate deposited by metal organic chemical vapor deposition
C. Bundesmann, O. Buiu, S. Hall, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 121916 (2007) [View PDF (139 kB)] [DOI-link]

    146. Anisotropic strain and phonon deformation potentials in GaN
V. Darakchieva, T. Paskova, M. Schubert, H. Arwin, P. P. Paskov, B. Monemar, D. Homme, M. Heuken, J. Off, F. Scholz, B. A. Haskell, P. T. Fini, J. S. Speck, and S. Nakamura
Phys. Rev. B 75, 195217 (2007) [View PDF (850 kB)] [DOI-link]

    145. Effect of anisotropic strain on phonons in a-plane and c-plane GaN layers
V. Darakehieva, T. Paskova, M. Schubert, P. P. Paskov, H. Arwin, B. Monemar, D. Hommel, M. Heuken, J. Off, B. A. Haskell, P. T. Fini, J. S. Speck, and S. Nakamura
J. Cryst. Growth 300, 233-238 (2007) [DOI-link]

    144. Electron effective mass and phonon modes in GaAs incorporating boron and indium
T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, G. Leibiger, and V. Gottschalch
Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 182110 (2007) [View PDF (96 kB)] [DOI-link]

    143. Dielectric anisotropy and phonon modes of ordered indirect-gap Al0.52In0.48P studied by far-infrared ellipsometry
T. Hofmann, V. Gottschalch, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 121908 (2007) [View PDF (217 kB)] [DOI-link]

    142. Demonstration of an ultraviolet ZnO-based optically pumped third order distributed feedback laser
D. Hofstetter, Y. Bonetti,, F. R. Giorgetta, A-H El-Shaer, A. Bakin, A. Waag, R. Schmidt-Grund, M. Schubert, and M. Grundmann
Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 111108 (2007) [View PDF (423 kB)] [DOI-link]

    141. MOVPE growth investigations of doping and ordering in AlGaAs and GaInP with reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy
C. Krahmer, M. Philippens, M. Schubert, and K. Streubel
J. Cryst. Growth 298, 18-22 (2007) [DOI-link]

    140. Polarization coupling in epitaxial ZnO / BaTiO3 thin film heterostructures on SrTiO3 (100) substrates
M. Lorenz, M. Brandt, J. Schubert, H. Hochmuth, H. von Wenckstern, M. Schubert, and M. Grundmann
SPIE Vol. 6474, 64741S (2007) [DOI-link]

    139. Ion beam assisted growth of sculptured thin films: Structure alignment and optical fingerprints
E. Schubert, F. Frost, H. Neumann, B. Rauschenbach, B. Fuhrmann, F. Heyroth, J. Rivory, B. Gallas, and M. Schubert
Adv. Solid State Phys. 46, 309-320 (2007) [View PDF (1.1 MB)] [DOI-link]

M. Schubert
U. S. Pat. App. Publ. 20070229826, (2007)




    137. Phonon properties and doping of ZnMnSe epilayers grown by molecular beam epitaxy
K. C. Agarwal, B. Daniel, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, C. Klingshirn, and M. Hetterich
phys. stat. sol. b 243, 914 (2006) [View PDF (268 kB)] [DOI-link]

    136. Infrared optical properties of MgxZn1-xO thin films: Long-wavelength optical phonons and dielectric constants
C. Bundesmann, A. Rahm, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, and M. Schubert
J. App. Phys. 99, 113504 (2006) [View PDF (339 kB)] [DOI-link]

    135. Phonon modes, dielectric constants, and exciton mass parameters in ternary MgxZn1-xO
C. Bundesmann, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, and M. Schubert
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 928E, GG05-03 (2006) [View PDF (114 kB)]

    134. Assessment of phonon mode characteristics via infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry on a-plane GaN
V. Darakchieva, T. Paskova, P. P. Paskov, H. Arwin, M. Schubert, B. Monemar, S. Figge, D. Hommel, B. A. Haskell, P. T. Fini, and S. Nakamura
phys. stat. sol. b 243, 1594-1598 (2006) [View PDF (244 kB)] [DOI-link]

    133. Low temperature photoluminescence and infrared dielectric functions of pulsed laser deposited ZnO thin films on silicon
S. Heitsch, C. Bundesmann, G. Wagner, G. Zimmermann, A. Rahm, H. Hochmuth, G. Benndorf, H. Schmid t, M. Schubert, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann
Thin Solid Films 496, 234-239 (2006) [View PDF (351 kB)] [DOI-link]

    132. Conduction-band electron effective mass in Zn0.87Mn0.13Se measured by terahertz and far-infrared magnetooptic ellipsometry
T. Hofmann, U. Schade, K. C. Agarwal, B. Daniel, C. Klingshirn, M. Hetterich, C. M. Herzinger, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 042105 (2006) [View PDF (85 kB)] [DOI-link]

    131. Terahertz magnetooptic generalized ellipsometry using synchrotron and black-body radiation
T. Hofmann, U. Schade, W. Eberhardt, C. M. Herzinger, P. Esquinazi, and M. Schubert
Rev. Sci. Inst. 77, 063902 (2006) [View PDF (313 kB)] [DOI-link]

    130. Anisotropy of the Gamma-point effective mass and mobility in hexagonal InN
T. Hofmann, T. Chavdarov, V. Darakchieva, H. Lu, W.J. Schaff, and M. Schubert
phys. stat. sol. c 3, 1854-1857 (2006) [View PDF (252 kB)] [DOI-link]

    129. Terahertz generalized Mueller-matrix ellipsometry
T. Hofmann, U. Schade, C. M. Herzinger, P. Esquinazi, and M. Schubert
SPIE Vol. 6120, 61200D (2006) [DOI-link]

    128. In-situ monitoring of MOVPE growth with Reflectance Anisotropy Spectroscopy in an industrial used multi wafer reactor
C. Krahmer, M. Philippens, M. Schubert, and K. Streubel
phys. stat. sol. c 3, 655-658 (2006) [View PDF (237 kB)] [DOI-link]

    127. Effect of high-temperature annealing on the residual strain and bending of freestanding GaN films grown by hydride vapor phase epitaxy
T. Paskova, D. Hommel, P. P. Paskov, V. Darakchieva, B. Monemar, M. Bockowski, T. Suski, I. Grzegory, F. Tuomisto, K. Saarinen, N. Ashkenov, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 141909 (2006) [View PDF (535 kB)] [DOI-link]

    126. Bending in HVPE GaN free-standing films: effects of laser lift-off, polishing and high-pressure annealing
T. Paskova, V. Darakchieva, P. P. Paskov, B. Monemar, M. Bukowski, T. Suskiand N. Ashkenov, M. Schubert, and D. Hommel
phys. stat. sol. c 3, 1475 (2006) [DOI-link]

    125. Refractive indices and band-gap properties of rocksalt MgxZn1-xO (0.68 < x < 1)
R. Schmidt-Grund, A. Carstens, B. Rheinländer, D. Spemann, H. Hochmut, G. Zimmermann, M. Lorenz, M. Schubert, C. M. Herzinger, and M. Grundmann
J. App. Phys. 99, 123701 (2006) [View PDF (183 kB)] [DOI-link]

    124. Temperature-dependence of the refractive index and the optical transitions at the fundamental band-gap of ZnO
R. Schmidt-Grund, N. Ashkenov, M. Schubert, W. Czakai, D. Faltermeier, G. Benndorf, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann
AIP Conf. Proc. 893, 271 (2006) [DOI-link]

    123. Another century of ellipsometry (Special issue on Paul Karl Ludwig Drude)
M. Schubert
Annalen der Physik 15, 480-497 (2006) [View PDF (1.8 MB)] [DOI-link]

    122. Recrystallization behavior in chiral sculptured thin films from silicon
E. Schubert, J. Fahlteich, B. Rauschenbach, M. Schubert, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, and G. Wagner
J. Appl. Phys. 100, 016107 (2006) [View PDF (217 kB)] [DOI-link]




    121. Rectifying semiconductor-ferro electric polarization loops and offsets in Pt-BaTiO3-ZnO-Pt thin film capacitor structures
N. Ashkenov, M. Schubert , E. Twerdowski , H. von Wenckstern, B. N. Mbenkum, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, W. Grill, and M. Grundmann
Thin Solid Films 486, 153-157 (2005) [View PDF (283 kB)] [DOI-link]

    120. Combined Raman scattering, X-ray fluorescence and ellipsometry in-situ growth monitoring of CuInSe2-based photoabsorber layers on polyimide substrates
C. Bundesmann, M. Schubert, N. Ashkenov, M. Grundmann, G. Lippold, and J. Piltz
AIP Conf. Proc. 772, 165 (2005) [View PDF (594 kB)] [DOI-link]

    119. Optische Bestimmung der Eigenschaften freier Ladungsträger in ZnO-Dünnfilmen mittels spektroskopischer Infrarotellipsometrie
C. Bundesmann, M. Schubert, H. v. Wenckstern, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann
Tagungsband des 3. TCO-Workshops des Forschungsverbundes Solarenergie, Freyburg/Unstrut , 34-36 (2005) [View PDF (87 kB)]

    118. Structural characteristics and lattice parameters of hydride vapor phase epitaxial GaN free-standing quasisubstrates
V. Darakchieva, T. Paskova, P. P. Paskov, B. Monemar, N. Ashkenov, and M. Schubert
J. Appl. Phys. 97, 013517 (2005) [View PDF (98 kB)] [DOI-link]

    117. Phonon mode behavior of wurtzite AlN/GaN superlattices
V. Darakchieva, E. Valcheva, P. P. Paskov, M. Schubert, T. Paskova, B. Monemar, H. Amano, and I. Akasaki
Phys. Rev. B 71, 115329 (2005) [View PDF (188 kB)] [DOI-link]

    116. The inertial-mass scale for free-charge-carriers in semiconductor heterostructures
T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, C. von Middendorff, G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, C. M. Herzinger, A. Lindsay, and E. O'Reilly
AIP Conference Proceedings 772, 455-456 (2005) [DOI-link]

    115. Adsorption of human serum albumin in porous silicon gradients monitored by spatially-resolved spectroscopic ellipsometry
L. M. Karlsson, M. Schubert, N. Ashkenov, and H. Arwin
phys. stat. sol. (c) 2, 3293 - 3297 (2005) [View PDF (230 kB)] [DOI-link]

    114. Composition and properties of ZnS thin films prepared by chemical bath deposition from acid and basic solutions
L. V. Mahkova, I. Konovalov, R. Szargan, N. Ashkenov, M. Schubert, and T. Chassé
phys. stat. sol. (c) 2, 1206 - 1211 (2005) [View PDF (280 kB)] [DOI-link]

    113. Electro-optic Raman observation of low temperature phase transitions in ZnO-BaTiO3-ZnO heterostructures
B. N. Mbenkum, N. Ashkenov, M. Schubert, and M. Lorenz
AIP Conf. Proc. 772, 401-402 (2005) [DOI-link]

    112. Temperature-dependent dielectric and electro-optic properties of a ZnO-BaTiO3-ZnO heterostructure grown by pulsed-laser deposition
B. N. Mbenkum, N. Ashkenov, M. Schubert, M. Lorenz, H. Hochmuth, D. Michel, M. Grundmann, and G. Wagner
Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 091904 (2005) [View PDF (130 kB)] [DOI-link]

    111. Band-to-band transitions and optical properties of MgxZn1-xO (0 < x < 1) films
R. Schmidt-Grund, D. Fritsch, M. Schubert, B. Rheinländer, H. Schmidt, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, C.M. Herzinger, and M. Grundmann
AIP Conf. Proc. 772, 201 (2005) [View PDF (45 kB)] [DOI-link]

    110. Long-wavelength interface modes in semiconductor layer structures
M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, and J. Sik
Phys. Rev. B 71, 035324 (2005) [View PDF (382 kB)] [DOI-link]

    109. Lichtstarke kompakte in-situ Ramansonde
M. Schubert, C. Bundesmann, and G. Lippold
Patent application , DE 10 2004 006 391 A1 (2005) [View PDF (165 kB)]




    108. Infrared dielectric functions and crystal orientation of a-plane ZnO thin films on r-plane sapphire determined by generalized ellipsometry
C. Bundesmann, N. Ashkenov, M. Schubert, A. Rahm, H. v. Wenckstern, E. M. Kaidashev, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann
Thin Solid Films 455-456, 161-166 (2004) [View PDF (158 kB)] [DOI-link]

    107. Infrared dielectric function and phonon modes of Mg-rich cubic MgxZn1-xO (x > 0.67) thin films on sapphire [0001]
C. Bundesmann, M. Schubert, D. Spemann, A. Rahm, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann
Appl. Phys. Lett. 85, 905 (2004) [View PDF (74 kB)] [DOI-link]

    106. Strain related structural and vibrational properties of thin epitaxial AlN layers
V. Darakchieva, J. Birch, M. Schubert, T. Paskova , S. Tungasmita, G. Wagner, A. Kasica, and B. Monemar
Phys. Rev. B 70, 045411 (2004) [View PDF (359 kB)] [DOI-link]

    105. Infrared Ellipsometry and Raman Studies of hexagonal InN films: correlation between strain and vibrational properties
V. Darakchieva, P. Paskov, E. Valcheva, T. Paskova, M. Schubert, C. Bundesmann, H. Lu, W. J. Schaff, and B. Monemar
Superlattices and Microstructures 36, 573-580 (2004) [View PDF (331 kB)] [DOI-link]

    104. Deformation potentials of the E1(TO) and E2 modes of InN
V. Darakchieva, P. P. Paskov, E. Valcheva, T. Paskova, B. Monemar, M. Schubert, H. Lu, and W. J. Schaff
Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 3636 (2004) [View PDF (57 kB)] [DOI-link]

    103. Strain evolution and phonons in AlN/GaN superlattices
V. Darakchieva, P. P. Paskov, M. Schubert, E. Valcheva, T. Paskova, H. Arwin, B. Monemar, H. Amano, and I. Akasaki
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. 798, Y5.60 (2004) [DOI-link]

    102. Optical and structural characteristics of virtually unstrained bulk-like GaN
D. Gogova, A. Kasic, H. Larsson, B. Pécz, R. Yakimova, B. Magnusson, B. Monemar, F. Tuomisto, K. Saarinen, C. R. Miskys, M. Stutzmann, C. Bundesmann, and M. Schubert
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 43, 1264 (2004) [DOI-link]

    101. Far-Infrared Dielectric Function and Phonon Modes of Sponateously Ordered (AlxGa1-x)0.52In0.48P
T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, and V. Gottschalch
Thin Solid Films 455-456, 601-604 (2004) [View PDF (154 kB)] [DOI-link]

    100. Protein adsorption in porous silicon gradients monitored by spatially-resolved spectroscopic ellipsometry
L. M. Karlsson, M. Schubert, N. Ashkenov, and H. Arwin
Thin Solid Films 455-456, 726-730 (2004) [View PDF (386 kB)] [DOI-link]

    99. Micro-Raman scattering profiling studies on HVPE-grown free-standing GaN
A. Kasic, D. Gogova, H. Larsson, C. Hemmingsson, I. Ivanov, B. Monemar, C. Bundesmann, and M. Schubert
phys. stat. sol. (a) 201, 2773-2776 (2004) [View PDF (123 kB)]

    98. Optical properties of Zn1-xMnxSe epilayers determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry
J. Kvietkova, B. Daniel, M. Hetterich, M. Schubert, D. Spemann, P. Pfundstein, and D. Gerthsen
Thin Solid Films 455-456, 228-230 (2004) [View PDF (133 kB)] [DOI-link]

    97. Near-band-gap dielectric function of Zn1-xMnxSe thin films determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry
J. Kvietkova, B. Daniel, M. Hetterich, M. Schubert, D. Spemann, D. Litvinov, and D. Gerthsen
Phys. Rev. B 70, 045316 (2004) [DOI-link]

    96. Hydrogen implantation in InGaNAs studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry
G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, N. Razek, A. Schindler, and M. Schubert
Thin Solid Films 455-456, 231-234 (2004) [View PDF (106 kB)] [DOI-link]

    95. Infrared to Vacuum Ultraviolet Optical Properties of 3C, 4H and 6H Silicon Carbide Measured by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
O. P. A. Lindquist, M. Schubert, H. Arwin, and K. Järrendahl
Thin Solid Films 455-456, 235-238 (2004) [View PDF (116 kB)] [DOI-link]

    94. High pressure annealing of HVPE GaN free-standing films: redistribution of defects and stress
T. Paskova, T. Suski, M. Bockowski, P.P. Paskov, V. Darakchieva, B. Monemar, F. Tuomisto, K. Saarinen, N. Ashkenov, M. Schubert, C. Roder, and D. Hommel
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 831, E8.18.1 (2004) [View PDF (273 kB)] [DOI-link]

    93. Optical modelling of a layered photovoltaic device with a polyfluorene-copolymer as the active layer
Nils-Krister Persson, M. Schubert, and O. Inganäs
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 83, 169-186 (2004) [View PDF (612 kB)] [DOI-link]

    92. UV-VUV Spectroscopic ellipsometry of ternary MgxZn1-xO (x<0.53) thin films
R. Schmidt-Grund, M. Schubert, B. Rheinländer, D. Fritsch, H. Schmidt, E. M. Kaidashev, M. Lorenz, C. M. Herzinger, and M. Grundmann
Thin Solid Films 455-456, 500-504 (2004) [View PDF (259 kB)]

    91. Carrier redistribution in organic/inorganic (poly(3,4-ethylenedioxy thiophene/poly(styrenesulfonate)polymer)-Si) heterojunction determined from infrared ellipsometry
M. Schubert, C. Bundesmann, H. v. Wenckstern, G. Jakopic, A. Haase, N.-K. Persson, F. Zhang, H. Arwin, and O. Inganäs
Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 1311-1313 (2004) [View PDF (63 kB)]

    90. Infrared dielectric function and vibrational modes of pentacene thin films
M. Schubert, C. Bundesmann, G. Jakopic, and H. Arwin
Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 200-202 (2004) [View PDF (54 kB)]

    89. Infrared ellipsometry characterization of conducting thin organic films
M. Schubert, C. Bundesmann, G. Jakopic, H. Maresch, H. Arwin, N.-C. Persson, F. Zhang, and O. Inganäs
Thin Solid Films 455-456, 295-300 (2004) [View PDF (136 kB)] [DOI-link]

    88. Generalized ellipsometry for orthorhombic, absorbing materials: Dielectric functions, phonon modes, and band-to-band transitions of Sb2S3
M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, C. M. Herzinger, and W. Dollase
Thin Solid Films 455-456, 619-623 (2004) [View PDF (282 kB)] [DOI-link]

    87. Far-infrared magnetooptic generalized ellipsometry: determination of free-charge-carrier parameters in semiconductor thin film structures
M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, and C. M. Herzinger
Thin Solid Films 455-456, 563-570 (2004) [View PDF (239 kB)] [DOI-link]

    86. Electro-optical properties of ZnO-BaTiO3-ZnO heterostructures grown by pulsed laser deposition
M. Schubert, N. Ashkenov, T. Hofmann, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, M. Grundmann, and G. Wagner
Ann. Phys. 13, 61-62 (2004) [View PDF (213 kB)] [DOI-link]




    85. Infrared dielectric functions and phonon modes of high-quality ZnO films
N. Ashkenov, B. N. Mbenkum, C. Bundesmann, V. Riede, M. Lorenz, E. M. Kaidashev, A. Kasic, M. Schubert, M. Grundmann, G. Wagner, and H. Neumann
J. Appl. Phys. 93, 126 (2003) [View PDF (189 kB)]

    84. Raman scattering in ZnO thin films doped with Fe, Sb, Ga and Li
C. Bundesmann, N. Ashkenov, M. Schubert, D. Spemann, T. Butz, M. Lorenz, E. M. Kaidashev, and M. Grundmann
Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 1974-1976 (2003) [View PDF (59 kB)]

    83. Metalorganic chemical vapor phase epitaxy of gallium-nitride on silicon
A. Dadgar, A. Strittmatter, J. Bläsing, M. Poschenrieder, O. Contreras, P. Veit, T. Riemann, F. Bertram, A. Reiher, A. Krtschil, A. Diez, T. Hempel, T. Finger, A. Kasic, M. Schubert, D. Bimberg, F. A. Ponce, J. Christen, and A. Krost
phys. stat. sol. (c) 0, 1583-1606 (2003) [View PDF (3.1 MB)]

    82. Residual strain in HVPE GaN free-standing and re-grown homoepitaxial layers
V. Darakchieva, T. Paskova, P.P. Paskov, B. Monemar, N. Ashkenov, and M. Schubert
phys. stat. sol. (a) 195, 516-522 (2003) [View PDF (484 kB)]

    81. Generalized infrared ellipsometry study of thin epitaxial AlN layers with complex strain behavior
V. Darakchieva, M. Schubert, J. Birch, A. Kasic, S. Tungasmita, T. Paskova, and B. Monemar
Physica B 340-342, 416 (2003) [View PDF (568 kB)]

    80. Optical properties of undoped AlN/GaN superlattices grown by metal orgaic vapor phase epitaxy
V. Darakchieva, P. P. Paskov, M. Schubert, T. Paskova, B. Monemar, S. Kamiyama, M. Iwaya, H. Amano, and I. Akasaki
phys. stat. sol. c 0, 2614–2617 (2003) [View PDF (191 kB)] [DOI-link]

    79. Far-infrared magnetooptical generalized ellipsometry determination of free-carrier parameters in semiconductor thin film structures
T. Hofmann, M. Grundmann, C. M. Herzinger, M. Schubert, and W. Grill
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 744, M5.32.1-6 (2003) [View PDF (154 kB)]

    78. Far-Infrared dielectric function and phonon modes of spontaneously ordered (AlxGa1-x)0.52In0.48P
T. Hofmann, V. Gottschalch, and M. Schubert
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 744, M5.33.1-6 (2003) [View PDF (129 kB)]

    77. Far-infrared-magneto-optic Ellipsometry characterization of free-charge-carrier properties in highly disordered n-type Al0.19Ga0.33In0.48P
T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, C. M. Herzinger, and I. Pietzonka
Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 3463-3465 (2003) [View PDF (55 kB)] [DOI-link]

    76. Phonons and free-carrier properties of binary, ternary, and quaternary group-III nitride layers measured by Infrared Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
A. Kasic, M. Schubert, J. Off, B. Kuhn, F. Scholz, S. Einfeldt, T. Böttcher, D. Hommel, D. J. As, U. Köhler, A. Dadgar, A. Krost, Y. Saito, Y. Nanishi, M. R. Correia, S. Pereira, V. Darakchieva, B. Monemar, H. Amano, I. Akasaki, and G. Wagner
phys. stat. sol. (c) 0, 1750 (2003) [View PDF (1.3 MB)]

    75. Interband transitions and phonon modes in GaBxAs1-x (0 <= x < 0.33) and GaNxAs1-x (0 <= x < 0.29)
G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, V. Riede, M. Schubert, J. N. Hilfiker, and T. E. Tiwald
Phys. Rev. B 67, 195205 (2003) [View PDF (120 kB)] [DOI-link]

    74. Optical properties of ternary MgZnO thin films
R. Schmidt, C. Bundesmann, N. Ashkenov, B. Rheinländer, M. Schubert, M. Lorenz, E. M. Kaidashev, D. Spemann, T. Butz, J. Lenzner, and M. Grundmann
IoP Conf. Series 171, P11 (2003) [View PDF (291 kB)]

    73. Dielectric functions (1 to 5 eV) of wurtzite MgxZn1-xO (x<0.29) thin films
R. Schmidt, B. Rheinländer, M. Schubert, D. Spemann, T. Butz, J. Lenzner, E. M. Kaidashev, M. Lorenz, A. Rahm, H. C. Semmelhack, and M. Grundmann
Appl. Phys. Lett. 82, 2260-2262 (2003) [View PDF (75 kB)]

    72. Generalized far-infrared magneto-optic ellipsometry for semiconductor layer structures: Determination of free-carrier effective mass, mobility and concentration parameters in n-type GaAs
M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, and C. M. Herzinger
J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 20, 347-356 (2003) [View PDF (257 kB)] [DOI-link]

    71. Phonons and polaritons in semiconductor layer structures
M. Schubert , and T. Hofmann
SPIE Vol. 5218, 210-222 (2003) [DOI-link]




    70. Infrared dielectric functions and phonon modes of wurtzite MgxZn1-xO (x <= 0.2)
C. Bundesmann, M. Schubert, D. Spemann, T. Butz, M. Lorenz, E. M. Kaidashev, M. Grundmann, N. Ashkenov, H. Neumann, and G. Wagner
Appl. Phys. Lett. 81, 2376 - 2378 (2002) [View PDF (142 kB)]

    69. Low-orbit-environment protective coating for all-solid-state electrochromic surface heat radiation control devices
E. Franke, H. Neumann, M. Schubert, C. L. Trimble, and J. A. Woollam
Surf. Coat. Techn. 151-152, 285 - 288 (2002) [View PDF (141 kB)] [DOI-link]

    68. Far-infrared Magneto-Optical Generalized Ellipsometry determination of free-carrier parameters in semiconductor thin film structures
T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, and C. M. Herzinger
SPIE Vol. 4779, 90-97 (2002) [DOI-link]

    67. Far-Infrared dielectric anisotropy and phonon modes in spontaneously CuPt-ordered Ga0.52In0.48P
T. Hofmann, V. Gottschalch, and M. Schubert
Phys. Rev. B 66, 195204 1-10 (2002) [View PDF (255 kB)] [DOI-link]

    66. Effective electron mass and phonon modes in n-type hexagonal InN
A. Kasic, M. Schubert, Y. Saito, Y. Nanishi, and G. Wagner
Phys. Rev. B 65, 115206 (2002) [View PDF (156 kB)] [DOI-link]

    65. Optical phonon modes and interband transitions in cubic AlxGa1-xN films
A. Kasic, M. Schubert, T. Frey, U. Köhler, D. J. As, and C. M. Herzinger
Phys. Rev. B 65, 184302 (2002) [View PDF (210 kB)] [DOI-link]

    64. Infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry - a new tool for characterization of semiconductor heterostructures
A. Kasic, M. Schubert, S. Einfeldt, and D. Hommel
Vib. Spectrosc. 29, 121 (2002) [View PDF (100 kB)] [DOI-link]

    63. Optical phonons in hexagonal AlxInyGa1-x-yN (y ~ 0.12)
A. Kasic, M. Schubert, J. Off, F. Scholz, S. Einfeldt, and D. Hommel
phys. stat. sol. (b) 234, 970 (2002) [View PDF (239 kB)]

    62. Evolution of the optical properties of III-V Nitride alloys: Band-to-Band transitions in GaPN
G. Leibiger, M. Schubert, V. Gottschalch, G. Benndorf, and R. Schwabe
Phys. Rev. B 65, 245207 1-6 (2002) [View PDF (98 kB)] [DOI-link]

    61. Generalized ellipsometry of complex mediums in layered systems
M. Schubert, A. Kasic, T. Hofmann, V. Gottschalch, J. Off, F. Scholz, E. Schubert, H. Neumann, I. Hodgkinson, M. Arnold, W. Dollase, and C. M. Herzinger
SPIE Vol. 4806, 264 (2002) [View PDF (608 kB)] [DOI-link]

    60. Interband transitions in [001]-(GaP)1(InP)m superlattices
M. Schubert, H. Schmi dt, J. \vSik, T. Hofmann, V. Gottschalch, W. Grill, G. Böhm, and G. Wagner
Mat. Sci. Eng. B 88, 125 - 128 (2002) [View PDF (144 kB)] [DOI-link]

    59. Generalized ellipsometry for biaxial absorbing materials: determination of crystal orientation and optical constants of Sb2S3
M. Schubert, and W. Dollase
Opt. Lett. 27, 2073 - 2075 (2002) [View PDF (115 kB)]




    58. Optical properties of amorphous and crystalline tantalum oxide thin films measured by IR-VIS-VUV (0.03eV-8.5eV) spectroscopic ellipsometry
E. Franke, M. Schubert, C.L. Trimble, and J.A. Woollam
Thin Solid Films 388, 283-289 (2001) [View PDF (201 kB)] [DOI-link]

    57. Infrared dielectric function and phonon modes of highly disordered (AlxGa1-x)0.52In0.48P
T. Hofmann, G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, Ines Pietzonka, and M. Schubert
Phys. Rev. B 64, 155206 (2001) [View PDF (297 kB)] [DOI-link]

    56. Effective carrier mass and mobility versus carrier concentration in p- and n-type α-GaN determined by infrared ellipsometry and Hall resistivity measurements
A. Kasic, M. Schubert, B. Rheinländer, V. Riede, S. Einfeldt, D. Hommel, B. Kuhn, J. Off, and F. Scholz
Mat. Sci. Eng. B 82, 74 (2001) [View PDF (79 kB)]

    55. Strain and composition dependence of the E1(TO) mode in hexagonal AlxIn1-xN thin films
A. Kasic, M. Schubert, J. Off, and F. Scholz
Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 1526 (2001) [View PDF (61 kB)]

    54. Disorder-activated infrared modes and surface depletion layer in highly Si-doped hexagonal GaN
A. Kasic, M. Schubert, B. Kuhn, F. Scholz, S. Einfeldt, and D. Hommel
J. Appl. Phys. 87, 3720 (2001) [View PDF (85 kB)]

    53. IR-VUV Dielectric Function of Al1-xInxN determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry
A. Kasic, M. Schubert, B. Rheinländer, J. Off, F. Scholz, and C. M. Herzinger
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. 639, G6.13 (2001) [View PDF (106 kB)]

    52. Anisotropic dielectric function spectra from single crystal CuInSe2with orientation domains
A. Kreuter, K. Otte, G. Lippold, G. Wagner, A. Schindler, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 195-197 (2001) [View PDF (109 kB)]

    51. Phonon modes of GaP1-yNy measured by mid-infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry
G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, A. Kasic, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, 3407 (2001) [View PDF (60 kB)]

    50. Optical functions, phonon properties, and composition of InGaAsN single layers derived from far - and near - infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry
G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, and M. Schubert
J. Appl. Phys 90, 5951 - 5958 (2001) [View PDF (127 kB)]

    49. Phonon modes and critical points of GaNP
G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, G. Benndorf, R. Schwabe, and M. Schubert
phys. stat. sol. (a) 228, 279 - 282 (2001) [View PDF (79 kB)]

    48. Phonon modes of InGaAsN measured by far infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry
G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, and M. Schubert
phys. stat. sol. (a) 228, 259 - 262 (2001) [View PDF (88 kB)]

    47. Model dielectric function spectra of GaAsN for far-infrared and near-infrared to ultra violet wavelengths
G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, B. Rheinländer, J. Sik, and M. Schubert
J. Appl. Phys. 89, 4927-4938 (2001) [View PDF (194 kB)]

    46. Optical Constants, Critical Points, and Phonon Modes of GaAsN Single Layers
G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, A. Kasic, B. Rheinländer, J. Sik, and M. Schubert
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. 639, G6.35 (2001) [View PDF (162 kB)]

    45. Infrared Ellipsometry- a novel tool for characterization of group-III-Nitride Heterostructrues for optoelectronic device applications
M. Schubert, A. Kasic, S. Einfeldt, D. Hommel, U. Köhler, D. J. As, J. Off, B. Kuhn, F. Scholz, and J. A. Woollam
phys. stat. sol. (a) 228, 437 (2001) [View PDF (462 kB)]

    44. Infrared Spectroscopic Ellipsometry for nondestructive characterization of free-carrier and crystal-structure properties of group-III-nitride semiconductor device heterostructures
M. Schubert, A. Kasic, S. Figge, M. Diesselberg, S. Einfeldt, D. Hommel, U. Köhler, D. J. As, J. Off, B. Kuhn, F. Scholz, J. A. Woollam, and C. M. Herzinger
SPIE Vol. 4449, -8 (2001) [View PDF (901 kB)]

    43. Phonons and free carriers in strained hexagonal GaN/AlGaN superlattices measured by Infrared ellipsometry and Raman spectroscopy
M. Schubert, A. Kasic, J. Sik, S. Einfeldt, D. Hommel, V. Haerle, J. Off, and F. Scholz
Mat. Sci. Eng. B 82, 178 (2001) [View PDF (204 kB)]

    42. Band-gap energies, optical constants, phonons and free carrier properties in GaNAs/InAs/GaAs superlattice heterostructures measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry
J. Sik, M. Schubert, G. Leibiger, and V. Gottschalch
J. Appl. Phys. 89, 294-305 (2001) [View PDF (321 kB)]

    41. Infrared response of multiple-component free-carrier plasma in heavily doped p-type GaAs
S. Zangooie, M. Schubert, D.W. Thompson, and J.A. Woollam
Appl. Phys. Lett. 78, 937 (2001) [View PDF (58 kB)]

    40. Infrared optical properties of aged porous GaAs
S. Zangooie, T. E. Tiwald, M. Schubert, and J. A. Woollam
J. Mat. Res. 16, 1241-1244 (2001) [View PDF (84 kB)] [DOI-link]

    39. Infrared Ellipsometry characterization of porous silicon Bragg reflectors
S. Zangooie, M. Schubert, C. Trimble, D. W. Thompson, and J. A. Woollam
Appl. Opt. 40, 906-912 (2001) [View PDF (302 kB)] [DOI-link]

    38. Ellipsometry on anisotropic materials: Bragg conditions and phonons in dielectric helical thin films
M. Schubert, and C. M. Herzinger
phys. stat. sol. (a) 188, 1563 - 1575 (2001) [View PDF (365 kB)]




    37. In-situ ellipsometry growth characterization of dual ion beam deposited boron nitride thin films
E. Franke, M. Schubert, J. A. Woollam, J.-D. Hecht, H. Neumann, G. Wagner, and F. Bigl
J. Appl. Phys. 87, 2593-2599 (2000) [View PDF (632 kB)]

    36. All-Solid state electrochromic device for emittance modulation in the infrared spectral region
E. Franke, C.L. Trimble, J.S. Hale, M. Schubert, and J. A. Woollam
Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 930-932 (2000) [View PDF (46 kB)]

    35. Dielectric function of amorphous tantalum oxide from the far infrared to the deep ultraviolet spectral region measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry
E. Franke, M. Schubert, C.L. Trimble, M.J. DeVries, J.A. Woollam, and F. Frost
J. Appl. Phys. 88, 5166-5174 (2000) [View PDF (255 kB)]

    34. Infrared switching electrochromic devices based on tungsten oxide
E. Franke, C.L. Trimble, J.S. Hale, M. Schubert, and J.A. Woollam
J. Appl. Phys. 88, 5777-5784 (2000) [View PDF (126 kB)]

    33. Free-carrier and phonon properties of n- and p-type hexagonal GaN films measured by infrared ellipsometry
A. Kasic, M. Schubert, S. Einfeldt, D. Hommel, and T. E. Tiwald
Phys. Rev. B 62, 7365 (2000) [View PDF (187 kB)] [DOI-link]

    32. Optical properties of AlxIn1-xN thin films determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry
A. Kasic, M. Schubert, B. Rheinländer, J. Off, F. Scholz, and C. M. Herzinger
IEEE International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors , 513-518 (2000) [View PDF (367 kB)] [DOI-link]

    31. Nitrogen dependence of the GaAsN interband critical points E1 and E1 + Δ1 determined by spectroscopic ellipsomety
G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, B. Rheinländer, J. Sik, and M. Schubert
Appl. Phys. Lett. 77, 1650-1652 (2000) [View PDF (62 kB)]

    30. Optical constants, critical points, free carrier effects, and phonon modes of GaAsN single layers and GaAsN/InAs/GaAs superlattices
G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch, B. Rheinländer, A. Kasic, M. Schubert, and J. Sik
IEEE International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors , 7-12 (2000) [View PDF (317 kB)] [DOI-link]

    29. Optical properties of GaAs1-yNy
G. Leibiger, B. Rheinländer, V. Gottschalch, M. Schubert, J. Sik, and G. Lippold
Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Microsystems ISBN 0-7803-5939-9, 171-174 (2000) [DOI-link]

    28. Infrared dielectric anisotropy and phonon modes of sapphire
M. Schubert, Tiwald, T. E., and Herzinger, C. M.
Phys. Rev. B 61, 8187-8201 (2000) [View PDF (294 kB)] [DOI-link]

    27. Phonons and free carriers in a strained hexagonal GaN-AlN superlattice measured by Infrared Ellipsometry and Raman spectroscopy
M. Schubert, A. Kasic, T.E. Tiwald, J.A. Woollam, V. Härle, and F. Scholz
MRS Internet J. Nitride Semicond. Res. 5S1, W11.39 (2000) [View PDF (108 kB)]

    26. Free-carrier effects and optical phonons in GaNAs/GaAs superlattice heterostructures measured by infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry
J. \v Sik, M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, and V. Gottschalch
MRS Internet J. Nitride Semicond. Res. 5, 3 (2000)

    25. Near-band-gap optical functions spectra and band-gap energies of GaNAs/GaAs superlattice heterostructures measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry
J. Sik, M. Schubert, G. Leibiger, G. Kirpal, V. Gottschalch, and J. Humli\vcek
Appl. Phys. Lett. 76, 2859-2861 (2000) [View PDF (121 kB)]

    24. Measurement of rutile TiO2 dielectric tensor from 0.148 to 33 \mum using generalized ellipsometry
T. E. Tiwald, and M. Schubert
SPIE Vol. 4103, 19-29 (2000) [View PDF (677 kB)]




    23. Isotropic dielectric functions of highly disordered AlxGa1-xInP (0 < x < 1) lattice matched to GaAs
M. Schubert, Woollam, J. A., Leibiger, G., Rheinländer, B., Pietzonka, I., Saß, T., and Gottschalch, V.
J. Appl. Phys. 86, 2025-2033 (1999) [View PDF (146 kB)]

    22. Near-band-gap CuPt order birefringence in Al0.48Ga0.52InP2
M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, B. Rheinländer, I. Pietzonka, T. Saß, V. Gottschalch, and J. A. Woollam
Phys. Rev. B 60, 16618 - 16634 (1999) [View PDF (337 kB)] [DOI-link]

    21. Explicit solutions for the optical properties of arbitrary magneto-optic materials in generalized ellipsometry
M. Schubert, T.E. Tiwald, and J.A. Woollam
Appl. Opt. 38, 177-187 (1999) [View PDF (1.6 MB)] [DOI-link]

    20. Free-carrier response and lattice modes of group III-nitride heterostructures measured by infrared ellipsometry
M. Schubert, J. A. Woollam, A. Kasic, B. Rheinländer, J. Off, B. Kuhn, and F. Scholz
phys. stat. sol. (b) 216, 655 (1999) [View PDF (175 kB)]

    19. Optical phonons and free-carrier effects in MOVPE grown AlxGa1-xN measured by infrared ellipsometry
M. Schubert, A. Kasic, T. E. Tiwald, J. Off, B. Kuhn, and F. Scholz
MRS Internet J. Nitride Semicond. Res. 4, 11 (1999) [View PDF (309 kB)]




    18. In-situ infrared and visible-light ellipsometric investigations of boron nitride thin films at elevated temperatures
E. Franke, M. Schubert, J.-D. Hecht, H. Neumann, T. E. Tiwald, H. Yao, J. A. Woollam, and J. Hahn
J. Appl. Phys. 84, 526-532 (1998) [View PDF (158 kB)]

    17. Birefringence and reflectivity of single crystal CdAl2Se4 by generalized ellipsometry
J.-D. Hecht, A. Eifler, V. Riede, M. Schubert, G. Krauß, and V. Krämer
Phys. Rev. B 57, 7037-7042 (1998) [View PDF (159 kB)] [DOI-link]

    16. Spectroscopic ellipsometry: Application to complex optoelectronic layer systems
B. Rheinländer, M. Schubert, and H. Schmidt
Heterostructure Epitaxy and Devices ISBN 978-0-7923-5012-5, 151-154 (1998)

    15. Generalized ellipsometry and complex optical systems
M. Schubert
Thin Solid Films 313-314, 323-332 (1998) [View PDF (282 kB)] [DOI-link]

    14. Optical investigations of mixed-phase boron nitride thin films by infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry
M. Schubert, E. Franke, H. Neumann, T. E. Tiwald, D. Thompson, J. A. Woollam, and J. Hahn
Thin Solid Films 313-314, 692-696 (1998) [View PDF (246 kB)] [DOI-link]




    13. Infrared-ellipsometry on hexagonal and cubic boron nitride thin films
E. Franke, H. Neumann, M. Schubert, T.E. Tiwald, J.A. Woollam, and J. Hahn
Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 1668-1670 (1997) [View PDF (101 kB)]

    12. Phase and Microstructure investigations of boron nitride thin films by spectroscopic ellipsometry in the visible and infrared spectral range
E. Franke, M. Schubert, H. Neumann, T.E. Tiwald, D. Thompson, J.A. Woollam, J. Hahn, and F. Richter
J. Appl. Phys. 82, 2906-2911 (1997) [View PDF (154 kB)]

    11. Anisotropy of boron nitride thin-film reflectivity spectra by generalized ellipsometry
M. Schubert, B. Rheinländer, E. Franke, H. Neumann, J. Hahn, M. Röder, and F. Richter
Appl. Phys. Lett. 70, 1819-1821 (1997) [View PDF (122 kB)]

    10. Application of generalized ellipsometry to complex optical systems
M. Schubert, B. Rheinländer, B. Johs, and J. A. Woollam
SPIE Vol. 3094, 255-265 (1997)

    9. Infrared optical properties of mixed-phase thin films studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry and boron nitride as an example
M. Schubert, B. Rheinländer, E. Franke, H. Neumann, T.E. Tiwald, J.A. Woollam, J. Hahn, and F. Richter
Phys. Rev. B 56, 13306-13313 (1997) [View PDF (209 kB)]




    8. Optical properties of microconfined liquid crystals
C. Cramer, H. Binder, M. Schubert, B. Rheinländer, and H. Schmiedel
Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals 282, 395-405 (1996) [DOI-link]

    7. Direct-gap reduction and valence-band splitting of ordered indirect-gap AlInP2 studied by dark-field spectroscopy
M. Schubert, B. Rheinländer, E. Franke, I. Pietzonka, J. \vSkriniarova, and V. Gottschalch
Phys. Rev. B 54, 17616-17619 (1996) [View PDF (147 kB)] [DOI-link]

    6. Extension of rotating-analyzer ellipsometry to generalized ellipsometry: determination of the dielectric function tensor from uniaxial TiO2
M. Schubert, B. Rheinländer, J.A. Woollam, B. Johs, and C.M. Herzinger
J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 13, 875-883 (1996) [View PDF (1.3 MB)] [DOI-link]

    5. Polarization-dependent optical parameters of arbitarily anisotropic homogeneous layered systems
M. Schubert
Phys. Rev. B 53, 4265-4274 (1996) [View PDF (187 kB)]
[Corrections] [DOI-link]

    4. Generalized Transmission Ellipsometry for twisted biaxial dielectric media: Application to chiral liquid crystals
M. Schubert, B. Rheinländer, C. Cramer, H. Schmiedel, B. Johs, C. M. Herzinger, and J.A.Woollam
J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 13, 1930-1940 (1996) [View PDF (2.5 MB)]
[Corrections] [DOI-link]




    3. Dark-field-spectroscopy on spontaneously ordered GaInP2
B. Rheinländer, M. Schubert, and V. Gottschalch
phys. stat. sol. (a) 152, 287-292 (1995) [DOI-link]

    2. Optical constants of GaxIn1-xP lattice matched to GaAs
M. Schubert, V. Gottschalch, C. M. Herzinger, H. Yao, P. G. Snyder, and J. A. Woollam
J. Appl. Phys. 77, 3416-3419 (1995) [View PDF (850 kB)] [DOI-link]

    1. Band-gap reduction and valence band splitting in spontaneously ordered GaInP2 studied by Dark-field-spectroscopy
M. Schubert, B. Rheinländer, and V. Gottschalch
Solid State Commun. 95, 723-726 (1995) [View PDF (515 kB)] [DOI-link]




        4th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry :
H. Arwin, U. Beck, and M. Schubert
(Wiley, Berlin, 2008)

        Infrared Ellipsometry on semiconductor layer structures:
Phonons, Plasmons, and Polaritons
Reihe: Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Band 209
Schubert, Mathias
2004, XI, 193 p. 77 illus., Hardcover
ISBN: 3-540-23249-4
Infos and contents:




Optical phonons in a-plane GaN under anisotropic strain
V. Darakchieva, T. Paskova and M. Schubert
Book Chapter N9 in Group-III nitrides with nonpolar surfaces: growth, properties and devices edited by T. Paskova
(Wiley (Eds.), Berlin, pp.219-253 2008) ISBN: 978-3-527-40768-2

Anklicken und Vergrößern   Optical Properties of Zinc Oxide and related Compounds
C. Bundesmann, R. Schmidt-Grund, M. Schubert
In Zinc Oxide as Transparent Electronic Material and its Application in Thin Film Solar Cells edited by A. Klein and K. Ellmer
Springer Series in Materials Science, Vol 104 (Springer, Berlin, 2007)
ISBN-10: 3540736115 [View all pdf (63191kB)];[Chap 1], [Chap 2], [Chap 3], [Chap 4], [Chap 5], [Chap 6], [Chap 7], [Chap 8], [Chap 9]

        Theory and Application of Generalized Ellipsometry
M. Schubert
In Handbook of Ellipsometry
Harland Tompkins and Eugene Irene (Editors)
William Andrews Publications, Norwich, NY
2005, 875 p., 6 x 9 Paperback
ISBN: 0-8155-1499-9
Infos and contents: [View PDF (2374kB)]

  Phonons and Free-Carrier Properties of Binary, Ternary, and Quaternary Group-III Nitride Layers Measured by Infrared Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
A. Kasic, M. Schubert, J. Off, B. Kuhn, F. Scholz, S. Einfeldt, T. Böttcher, D. Hommel, D. J. As, U. Koehler, A. Dadgar, A. Krost, Y. Saito, Y. Nanishi, M. R. Correia, S. Pereira, V. Darakchieva, B. Monemar, H. Amano, I. Akasaki, G. Wagner
In Group III-Nitrides and Their Heterostructures: Growth, Characterization and Applications edited by F. Bechstedt, B. K. Meyer and M. Stutzmann (Wiley-VCH, Berlin, 2003) ISBN 3-527-40475-9 [View PDF (1328kB)]
also in: phys. stat. sol. c 0, 1750 - 1769 (2003)

        Metalorganic chemical vapor phase epitaxy of gallium-nitride on silicon
A. Dadgar, A. Strittmatter, A. Bläsing, M. Poschenrieder,
O. Contreras, P. Veit, T. Riemann, F. Bertram,
A. Reiher, A. Krtschil, A. Diez, T. Hempel, T. Finger, A. Kasic,
M.Schubert, D. Bimberg, F.A. Ponce, J. Christen, and A. Krost
In Group III-Nitrides and Their Heterostructres:
Growth, Characterization and Applications
edited by F. Bechstedt
WILEY-VCH (2003) [View PDF (2183kB)]

        Generalized Ellipsometry
M. Schubert
In Introduction to Complex Mediums for Optics and Electromagnetics
Werner S. Weiglhofer and Akhlesh Lakhtakia (Editors)
SPIE, Bellingham, Vol. PM123
2003, 776 p., Hardcover
Infos and contents: [View PDF (852kB)]

        MOVPE growth, Phonons, Band-to-Band Transitions and Dielectric Functions of InGaNAs/GaAs Superlattices and Quantum Wells
G. Leibiger, V. Gottschalch,G. Benndorf, J. Sik, M. Schubert
In Compound semiconductor heterojunctions: physics and applications
edited by W. Cay and others
Transworld Research Network (2003) [View PDF part 1 (2049kB)] [View PDF part 2 (1946kB)] [View PDF part 3 (1842kB)]




        Phonons, free-carrier properties, and electronic interband transitions of binary, ternary, and quaternary group-III nitride layers measured by spectroscopic ellipsometry
A. Kasic
Shaker Verlag
2003, Paperback
ISBN: 3-8322-2079-8
Infos and contents:

        AIIIBV-Mischkristallbildung mit Stickstoff und Bor
G. Leibiger
Shaker Verlag
2004, Paperback
ISBN: 3-8322-2642-7
Infos and contents:

        Far-infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry on AIII BV semiconductor heterostructures
T. Hofmann
Shaker Verlag
2005, Paperback
ISBN: 3-8322-3891-3
Infos and contents:

        Phonons and plasmons in ZnO-based alloy and doped ZnO thin films studied by infrared spectroscopic ellipsometry and Raman scattering spectroscopy
C. Bundesmann
Shaker Verlag
2006, Paperback
ISBN: 3-8322-4730-0
Infos and contents:

        Untersuchungen der Ober?aechenanisotropie von dotierten und undotierten A-III/B-V-Halbleiterstrukturen bei der Abscheidung mittels MOVPE
Claudia Krahmer
Universitaet Leipzig
[View PDF (4.2MB)]
Infos and contents:

        Generalized Ellipsometry on Sculptured Thin Films made by Glancing Angle Deposition
D. Schmidt
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
2010, Electrical Engineering Theses and Dissertations. Paper 15
[View PDF (10.1MB)]
Infos and contents:

        Spectroscopic ellipsometry analysis on materials for energy efficient applications
Mario Fernando Saenger Nayver
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
(January 1, 2010), ETD collection for University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Paper AAI3397631.
[View PDF (15.4MB)]
Infos and contents:

        Charge and field coupling phenomena at metal-oxide interfaces and their applications
Venkata M. Voora
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
(January 1, 2011), ETD collection for University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Paper AAI3466591.
[View PDF (6.0MB)]
Infos and contents:

        Quantification of adsorption on three-dimensional spatially coherent thin films at the solid-liquid interface
Keith B. Rodenhausen
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
(January 1, 2013), ETD collection for University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Paper AAI3604729.
[View PDF (6.0MB)]
Infos and contents:

        The optical Hall effect in three- and two-dimensional materials
Philipp Julius Christian Kuhne
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
(January 1, 2014), ETD collection for University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Paper AAI3618595.
[View PDF (X.XMB)]
Infos and contents:

        Phonon and free-charge carrier properties in group-III nitride heterostructures investigated by spectroscopic ellipsometry and optical Hall effect
Stefan Schoeche
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
(January 1, 2014), ETD collection for University of Nebraska - Lincoln. Paper AAI3637693.
[View PDF (X.XMB)]
Infos and contents:

        Generalized Ellipsometry Analysis of Anisotropic Nanoporous Media: Polymer-infiltrated Nanocolumnar and Inverse column Polymeric Films
Dan Liang
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
(May 2015), Electrical Engineering Theses and Dissertations. Paper 61.
[View PDF (1.5MB)]
Infos and contents:


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