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    33. Talk
Phonon mode behavior and free-charge carrier parameters in high-Al content AlGaN determined by IR spectroscopic Ellipsometry and optical Hall effect

S. Schöche, P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, D. Nilsson, A. Kakanakova-Georgieva, E. Janzén, and V. Darakchieva
8th Workshop Ellipsometry, Dresden, Germany, March (2014)

    32. Identification of scattering mechanisms in MOCVD-grown AlGaN/GaN high electron-mobility transistors by temperature-dependent THz optical Hall-effect and comparison with mobility calculations
S. Schöche, V. Darakchieva, P. Kühne, J.-T. Chen, U. Forsberg, E. Janzén, N. Ben Sedrine, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann
8th Workshop Ellipsometry, Dresden, Germany, March (2014)

    31. Permanent Magnet Based THz Optical Hall Effect on AlInN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor Structures
S. Knight, S. Schöche, C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann
EPSCoR External Review Panel, Lincoln, NE, August 19 (2014)




    30. Talk
Spectroscopic ellipsometry and optical Hall-effect study of free-charge carrier parameters in InN:Mg – Indications for successful p-type doping

S. Schöche, T. Hofmann, V. Darakchieva, N. Ben Sedrine, X. Wang, A. Yoshikawa, and M. Schubert
ICSE-VI, Kyoto, Japan, May (2013)

    29. Anisotropy and magnetodielectric effect in natural wolframite (Fe,Mn)WO4
S. Schöche, W. Dollase, and M. Schubert
ICSE-VI, Kyoto, Japan, May (2013)

    28. Poster Award Winner
Identification of scattering mechanisms in MOCVD-grown AlGaN/GaN high electron-mobility transistors by temperature-dependent THz optical Hall-effect and comparison with mobility calculations

S. Schöche, V. Darakchieva, P. Kühne, J.-T. Chen, U. Forsberg, E. Janzen, N.B. Sedrine, C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann
UNL Graduate Research Fair and Symposium, Lincoln, Nebraska, April (2013)

    27. Talk
Detection of temperature dependent electron confinement in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures by THz optical Hall-effect measurements

T. Hofmann, P. Kühne, S. Schöche, Jr.-Tai Chen, U. Forsberg, E. Janzen, N. Ben Sedrine, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva
ICSE-VI, Kyoto, Japan, May (2013)

    26. Talk
Recent progress in understanding free-charge carrier and structural properties of InN:Mg

M.-Y. Xie, S. Schöche, N. Ben Sedrine, F. Tasnadi, B. Monemar, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, X. Wang, A. Yoshikawa, K. Wang, Y. Nanishi, and V. Darakchieva
E-MRS 2013 SPRING MEETING, Strasbourg, France, May (2013)




    25. The Optical-Hall Effect
P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, S. Schöche, D. Schmidt, C. M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, and M. Schubert
7th Workshop Ellipsometry, Leipzig, Germany, March (2012)

    24. Anisotropy and magnetodielectric effect in natural wolframite (Fe,Mn)WO4
S. Schöche, W. Dollase, and M. Schubert
7th Workshop Ellipsometry, Leipzig, Germany, March (2012)

    23. Talk
Spectroscopic ellipsometry and optical Hall-effect study of free-charge carrier parameters in InN:Mg – Indications for successful p-type doping

S. Schöche, T. Hofmann, V. Darakchieva, N. Ben Sedrine, X. Wang, A. Yoshikawa, and M. Schubert
7th Workshop Ellipsometry, Leipzig, Germany, March (2012)

    22. Poster Award Winner
Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and optical Hall-Effect study of free-charge carriers in InN:Mg - Indications for successful p-type doping

S. Schöche, T. Hofmann, V. Darakchieva, N. Ben Sedrine, X. Wang, A. Yoshikawa, and M. Schubert
UNL Graduate Research Fair and Symposium, Lincoln, NE, April (2012)

    21. Large Scale Micro- and Nano- Prepatterning for Sculptured Thin Films
D. Sekora, D. Schmidt, S. Schöche, M. Hirtz, S. Sekula, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert
UNL Graduate Research Fair and Symposium, Lincoln, NE, April (2012)

    20. Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and optical Hall-effect study of free-charge carrier parameters in InN:Mg - Indications for succesful p-type doping
S. Schöche, T. Hofmann, V. Darakchieva, N.B. Sedrine, X.~Wang, A. Yoshikawa, and M. Schubert
International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2012, Sapporo, Japan, October (2012)

    19. Large Scale Micro- and Nano- Prepatterning for Sculptured Thin Films
D. Sekora, D. Schmidt, S. Schöche, M. Hirtz, S. Sekula, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert
EPSCoR External Review Panel, Lincoln, NE, August (2012)

    18. Large Scale Micro- and Nano- Prepatterning for Sculptured Thin Films
D. Sekora, D. Schmidt, S. Schöche, M. Hirtz, S. Sekula, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert
Nanoscience Symposium, Lincoln, NE, October (2012)




    17. Talk
THz optical Hall-effect and MIR-VUV ellipsometry characterization of 2DEG properties in HfO2 passivated AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures

S. Schöche, A. Boosalis, C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, J. Shi, W.J. Schaff, L.F. Eastman, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann
APS, Dallas, March (2011)

    16. THz optical Hall-effect and MIR-VUV ellipsometry characterization of 2DEG properties in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures
S. Schöche, J. Shi, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, W. J. Schaff, L. F. Eastman, V. Darakchieva, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann
6th Workshop Ellipsometry, Berlin Germany, February (2011)

    15. Poster Award Winner
THz optical Hall-effect and MIR-VUV ellipsometry characterization of 2DEG properties in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures

S. Schöche, J. Shi, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, W. J. Schaff, L. F. Eastman, V. Darakchieva, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann
UNL Graduate Research Symposium, Lincoln, NE, April (2011)

    14. Optical properties of graphene on SiC polytypes determined by spectroscopic ellipsometry from the terahertz to the VUV
A. Boosalis, T. Hofmann, S. Schöche, P. Dowben, S. Gaddam, C. Vamala, J. Kelber, V. Darakchieva, R. Yakimova, L.O. Nyakiti, V.D. Wheeler, R.L. Myers-Ward, C.R. Eddy, Jr., D.K. Gaskill, and M. Schubert
Nano-DDS, New York, NY, August (2011)

    13. Optical Properties of Graphene on SiC polytypes Determined by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry
A. Boosalis, T. Hofmann, S. Schöche, P. Dowben, S. Gaddam, C. Vamala, J. Kelber, V. Darakchieva, R. Yakimova, L.O. Nyakiti, V.D. Wheeler, R.L. Myers-Ward, C.R. Eddy, Jr., D.K. Gaskill, and M. Schubert
International conference on SiC and related materials, Cleveland,OH, September (2011)

    12. Talk
Optical Properties of Graphene on MgO and SiC Polytypes Determined by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry

A. Boosalis, T. Hofmann, S. Schöche, P.A. Dowben, S. Gaddam, C. Vamala, J. Kelber, V. Darakchieva, D.K. Gaskill, and M. Schubert
AVS 58th International Symposium, Nashville, TN, October (2011)

    11. Applied Surface Science Division Student Award Winner
THz optical Hall-effect and MIR-VUV ellipsometry characterization of 2DEG properties in HfO2 passivated AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures

S. Schöche, A. Boosalis, C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, J. Shi, W.J. Schaff, L.F. Eastman, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann
AVS 58th International Symposium, Nashville, TN, October (2011)

    10. Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Optical Hall-Effect Studies of Free-Charge Carriers in P-Type InN:Mg.
S. Schöche, T. Hofmann, N.B. Sedrine, V. Darakchieva, B. Monemar, X.~Wang, A. Yoshikawa, and M. Schubert
2011 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November (2011)

    9. THz optical Hall-effect and MIR-VUV ellipsometry characterization of 2DEG properties in a HfO2 passivated AlGaN/GaN HEMT structure
S. Schöche, J. Shi, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, W. J. Schaff, L. F. Eastman, V. Darakchieva, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann
9th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-IV), Glasgow, Scotland, July (2011)




    8. Research Presentation Winner "Best of Show"
Anisotropic Optical and Magneto-Optical Properties of Sculptured Thin Films

D. Schmidt, K. B. Rodenhausen, S. Schöche, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert
E-Week, Lincoln, NE, April (2010)

    7. Applied Surface Science Division Student Award Winner
Agent-Free Bio-Chemical Sensing With Sculptured Thin Films

D. Schmidt, K. B. Rodenhausen, S. Schöche, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
AVS 57th International Symposium, Albuquerque, NM, October (2010)

    6. Talk
Optical, Magnetic, Magneto-Optical and Electrochemical Properties of Sculptured Thin Films

E. Schubert, D. Schmidt, T. Hofmann, A. C. Kjerstad, E. Montgomery, S. Schöche, and M. Schubert
AVS 57th International Symposium, Albuquerque, NM, October (2010)

    5. Talk
Dielectric function and crystal structure of BaTiO3 and BaTiO3/ZnO heterostructures

T. Böntgen, S. Schöche, R. Schmidt-Grund, C. Sturm, M. Brandt, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, and M.Grundmann
ICSE-V, Albany, NY, May (2010)

    4. Talk
High- and low-frequency electro-optical properties of BaTiO3 epitaxial thin films and heterostructures

T. Böntgen, K. Brachwitz, R. Schmidt-Grund, M. Brandt, S. Schöche, C. Sturm, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, and M.Grundmann
E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, June (2010)

    3. Crystal structure and dielectric function of BaTiO3 single crystals and thin films
S. Schöche, R. Schmidt-Grund, C. Sturm, H. Hochmuth, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann
MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, Ca, April (2010)




    2. Talk
Optische und strukturelle Untersuchungen an Bariumtitanat-Dünnfilmen

S. Schöche, R. Schmidt-Grund, C. Sturm, H. Hochmuth, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann
DPG Spring Meeting, Dresden, Germany, March (2009)

    1. Optical and structural investigations on BaTiO3 thin films
S. Schöche, R. Schmidt-Grund, C. Sturm, H. Hochmuth, M. Brandt, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann
5th Workshop Ellipsometry, Zweibr\"ucken, Germany, March (2009)


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