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Eric Montgomery
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    8. Temperature dependent dielectric function of Al0.52In0.48P and Ga0.52In0.48P
E. Montgomery, M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, C. Krahmer, and K. Streubel
ICSE-V, Albany, NY, May (2010)

    7. Talk
Optical, Magnetic, Magneto-Optical and Electrochemical Properties of Sculptured Thin Films

E. Schubert, D. Schmidt, T. Hofmann, A. C. Kjerstad, E. Montgomery, S. Schöche, and M. Schubert
AVS 57th International Symposium, Albuquerque, NM, October (2010)

    6. In-Situ Spectroscopic Ellipsometry of Lithium Ion Intercalation in GLAD Three-Dimensional Nanostructure Films
E. Montgomery, M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, D. Schmidt, C. Briley, and A. May
ICSE-V, Albany, NY, May (2010)

    5. In-Situ Spectroscopic Ellipsometry of Lithium Ion Intercalation in GLAD Three-Dimensional Nanostructure Films
E. Montgomery, M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, E. Schubert, D. Schmidt, C. Briley, and A. May
AVS 57th International Symposium, Albuquerque, NM, October (2010)




    4. Hybridized Nanostructures
E. Montgomery, D. Schmidt, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert
E-Week, UNL, NE, April (2009)

    3. Talk
Metal Sculptured Thin Films on Large-Scale Prepatterned Substrates

D. Schmidt, T. Hofmann, E. Montgomery, B. Mbenkum, T. W. H. Oates, S. Facsko, A. Keller, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert
MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November (2009)

    2. Talk
Metal Sculptured Thin Films on Large-Scale Prepatterned Substrates

D. Schmidt, T. Hofmann, E. Montgomery, B. Mbenkum, T. W. H. Oates, S. Facsko, A. Keller, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert
AVS 56th International Symposium, San Jose, CA, November (2009)




    1. Poster Award Winner
Temperature dependent dielectric function of Al0.51In0.49P and Ga0.51In0.49P

E. Montgomery, T. Hofmann, and M. Schubert
54th Midwest Solid State Conference, Lincoln, October (2007)


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