2014:> |
31. |
| Talk Phonon mode behavior and free-charge carrier parameters in high-Al content AlGaN determined by IR spectroscopic Ellipsometry and optical Hall effect S. Schöche, P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, D. Nilsson, A.
Kakanakova-Georgieva, E. Janzén, and V. Darakchieva
8th Workshop Ellipsometry, Dresden, Germany, March (2014)
30. |
| Identification of scattering mechanisms in MOCVD-grown AlGaN/GaN high electron-mobility transistors by temperature-dependent THz optical Hall-effect and comparison with mobility calculations S. Schöche, V. Darakchieva, P. Kühne, J.-T. Chen, U. Forsberg, E.
Janzén, N. Ben Sedrine, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, M. Schubert, and T.
8th Workshop Ellipsometry, Dresden, Germany, March (2014)
29. |
| Infrared Optical Hall effect in epitaxial graphene V. Darakchieva, V. Stanishev, I.G. Ivanov, A. Zakharov, T. Iakimov, R. Yakimova, P. Kühne, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann 4th Graphene, Toulouse, France, May (2014)
28. |
| Dielectric Tensor Model for Inter Landau-level Transitions in Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite and Epitaxial Graphene – Symmetry Properties, Energy Conservation and Plasma Coupling P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, C.M. Herzinger, and V. Darakchieva AVS 61st International Symposium and Exhibition (AVS-61), Baltimoe, MA, November (2014)
27. |
| Infrared optical Hall effect in epitaxial graphene on 3C- and 4H-SiC V. Stanishev, P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, A. Zakharov, T. Iakimov, J. ul Hassan, E. Janzén, R. Yakimova, and V. Darakchieva Graphene 2014, Lanzarote, Spain, February 18 – 21 (2014)
26. |
| Shedding light on the nature of epitaxial graphene on C-face SiC V. Darakchieva, P. Kühne, V. Stanishev, I. G. Ivanov, C. Bouhafs, T. Iakimov, A. Zakharov, T. Hofmann, M. Schubert, and R. Yakimova International Conference on Nanoscience + Technology , Veil, Colorado, July (2014)
25. |
| Infrared Optical Hall effect in epitaxial graphene V. Darakchieva, V. Stanishev, I. G. Ivanov, A. Zakharov, T. Iakimov, R. Yakimova, P. Kühne, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann Graphene week, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 23-27 (2014)
2013:> |
24. |
| Poster Award Winner Identification of scattering mechanisms in MOCVD-grown AlGaN/GaN high electron-mobility transistors by temperature-dependent THz optical Hall-effect and comparison with mobility calculations S. Schöche, V. Darakchieva, P. Kühne, J.-T. Chen, U. Forsberg, E. Janzen, N.B. Sedrine, C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann UNL Graduate Research Fair and Symposium, Lincoln, Nebraska, April (2013)
23. |
| Talk Detection of temperature dependent electron confinement in AlGaN/GaN heterostructures by THz optical Hall-effect measurements T. Hofmann, P. Kühne, S. Schöche, Jr.-Tai Chen, U. Forsberg, E. Janzen, N. Ben Sedrine, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, M. Schubert, and V. Darakchieva ICSE-VI, Kyoto, Japan, May (2013)
22. |
| Reflection-type optical-Hall effect measurement of Landau-level transitions in epitaxial graphene on silicon carbide P. Kühne, A. Boosalis, C. M. Herzinger, L.O. Nyakiti, V.D. Wheeler, R.L. Myers-Ward, C. R. Eddy, Jr., D. K. Gaskill, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann ICSE-VI, Kyoto, Japan, May (2013)
21. |
| THz dielectric anisotropy of metal slanted columnar thin films: Ellipsometric characterization and Sensor applications T. Hofmann, D. Schmidt, P. Kühne, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, M. Schubert, and E. Schubert ICSE-VI, Kyoto, Japan, May (2013)
2012:> |
20. |
| Metal slanted columnar thin film THz optical sensors T. Hofmann, D. Schmidt, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, E. Schubert, and M. Schubert 7th Workshop Ellipsometry, Leipzig, Germany, March (2012)
19. |
| The Optical-Hall Effect P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, S. Schöche, D. Schmidt, C. M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, and M. Schubert 7th Workshop Ellipsometry, Leipzig, Germany, March (2012)
18. |
| Optical Hall effect measurement of coupled phonon mode - Landau Level transitions in epitaxial Graphene on silicon carbide P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, C. M. Herzinger, L.O. Nyakiti, V.D. Wheeler, R.L. Myers-Ward, C.R. Eddy, Jr., D.K. Gaskill, and M. Schubert 2012 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November (2012)
2011:> |
17. |
| Talk Hole-channel conductivity in epitaxial graphene determined by terahertz optical Hall-effect and midinfrared ellipsometry T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, J.L. Tedesco, D.K. Gaskill, C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, and M. Schubert APS, Dallas, March (2011)
16. |
| THz optical Hall effect in multi valley band materials P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, C.M. Herzinger, and M. Schubert 6th Workshop Ellipsometry, Berlin, Feb (2011)
15. |
| THz optical Hall-effect and MIR-VUV ellipsometry characterization of 2DEG properties in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures
S. Schöche, J. Shi, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, W. J. Schaff, L. F. Eastman, V. Darakchieva, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann 6th Workshop Ellipsometry, Berlin Germany, February (2011)
14. |
| Talk THz Optical Hall Effect in Epitaxial Graphene
T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, J.L. Tedesco, D.K. Gaskill, C.M. Herzinger, J.A. Woollam, and M. Schubert
NCMN Grapnene Colloquium, Lincoln, NE, March (2011)
13. |
| Poster Award Winner THz optical Hall-effect and MIR-VUV ellipsometry characterization of 2DEG properties in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures S. Schöche, J. Shi, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, W. J. Schaff, L. F. Eastman, V. Darakchieva, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann UNL Graduate Research Symposium, Lincoln, NE, April (2011)
12. |
| THz optical Hall-effect and MIR-VUV ellipsometry characterization of 2DEG properties in a HfO2 passivated AlGaN/GaN HEMT structure S. Schöche, J. Shi, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, C. M. Herzinger, J. A. Woollam, W. J. Schaff, L. F. Eastman, V. Darakchieva, M. Schubert, and T. Hofmann 9th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-IV), Glasgow, Scotland, July (2011)
2010:> |
11. |
| THz optical Hall effect in multivalley band materials P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, C. M. Herzinger, and M. Schubert ICSE-V, Albany, NY, May (2010)
10. |
| Talk The influence of the SiC substrate on the free-charge carrier properties of epitaxial graphene by terahertz and infrared ellipsometry and optical Hall-effect T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, J.L. Tedesco, R.L. Myers-Ward, P.M. Campbell, C.R. Eddy Jr., D.K. Gaskill, V. Shields, S. Shivaraman, M.G. Spencer, W.J. Schaff, and M. Schubert
ISSSR, Springfield, MO, June (2010)
9. |
| Talk Free-charge carrier properties of epitaxial graphene by terahertz and infrared ellipsometry T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, J.L. Tedesco, R.L. Myers-Ward, P.M. Campbell, C.R. Eddy Jr., D.K. Gaskill, V. Shields, S. Shivaraman, M.G. Spencer, W.J. Schaff, and M. Schubert AVS 57th International Symposium, Albuquerque, NM, October (2010)
8. |
| Determination of the refractive index of single crystal bulk samples and micro-structures P. Kühne, C. Czekalla, R. Schmidt-Grund, C. Sturm, and M. Grundmann ICSE-V, Albany, NY, May (2010)
7. |
| Low-Temperature Dielectric Tensor of a-plane MgxZn1?xO D. Schumacher, R. Schmidt-Grund, P. Kühne, H. Hilmer, C. Sturm, H. Hochmuth, M. Lorenz, and M. Grundmann ICSE-V, Albany, NY, May (2010)
6. |
| THz Optical Hall-Effect in Multi-Valley Band Materials P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, C.M. Herzinger,, and M. Schubert E-Week, Lincoln, April (2010)
5. |
| Invited Generalized THz Ellipsometry characterization of novel materials towards THz electronics M. Schubert, T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, P. Kühne, J.L. Tedesco, R.L. Myers-Ward, P.M. Campbell, C.R. Eddy Jr., D.K. Gaskill, V. Shields, S. Shivaraman, M.G. Spencer, and W.J. Schaff THz Workshop and User Meeting, BESSY-II, Berlin, GE, December (2010)
4. |
| Talk THz Optical Hall-Effect in Multi-Valley Band Materials P. Kühne, T. Hofmann, A. Boosalis, C.M. Herzinger,, and M. Schubert E-week, Lincoln, April (2010)
2009:> |
3. |
| Temperature dependent dielectric function of ZnO P. Kühne, R. Schmidt-Grund, C. Sturm, M. Brandt, and M. Grundmann SFB-Workshop, Wittenberg, September (2009)
2. |
| Talk Temperature dependent dielectric function of nonpolar ZnO P. Kühne, R. Schmidt-Grund, C. Sturm, M. Brandt, and M. Grundmann DPG spring meeting, Dresden, March (2009)
1. |
| Temperature dependent dielectric function of ZnO P. Kühne, R. Schmidt-Grund, C. Sturm, M. Brandt, and M. Grundmann Workshop Ellipsometry , Zweibrücken, March (2009)
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last database entry from 2025-01-19 |
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